Women 200lb+, Let's Be Jubilant This June!!!



  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 108 Member
    I really wish English houses had porches. That looks so nice!
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    I know full well that if I was a dog, I’d be a fat poodle, but that makes me sad because my slim standard poodle died this week. I have taken comfort eating to new levels. I didn’t even know I liked cheesecake.

    I am not someone who posts here but I follow this thread and I am sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. That is so hard. Take care of yourself.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @sandramarshall200 I’m sorry for your loss. Those fur babies are very much a part of the family and are missed tremendously when gone.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    SW: 271
    CW: 207.8 (-1.7)
    Goal: 150-ish.

    Thread is quiet this month - guess everyone is out enjoying the weather instead of keyboarding it, lol.

    Pretty good week for me. I was pretty sedentary the first half of the week trying to get work projects done that were occupying so much of my time. But I got to go out for a long walk on the rail trail, with a fair amount of jogging in my new shoes. And then blisters, because I was wearing new shoes, but what are you going to do?

    Friday, I decided to splurge on something I've wanted to do for a long time now: electrolysis. I've had PCOS my whole adult life, and one of its nasty little side effects is male-pattern facial hair. I tried laser, but it didn't do diddly squat. I had to drive over an hour to get to the nearest licensed practitioner, and it certainly wasn't what you'd call pleasant. But I have high hopes.

    And finally, I made dinner tonight with a bunch of good things out of the farm box, and it tasted just like summer ought: Air fryer BBQ chicken, chard with mushrooms and garlic, and chickpea pasta salad.

    @CupcakeCrusoe Love your porch, I'm seriously envious! It's so much easier to spend time in a place that's attractive and inviting like that.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,592 Member
    edited June 2023
    Hey all!

    I really need some accountability. I've been sliding too far and my fasting blood sugars are higher than they should be, I haven't been to the gym in about a month, I've had many days where I just give up and go way above what I should have and don't even track.

    I tracked everything yesterday and was about 400 calories over what I should be on my heavier eating days. Today is my husband's birthday and so he wants pasta and cake. I need to make myself eat lighter throughout the day and keep my portions small on the rest. I did this for months and it's like I'm struggling to make myself get back on track.

    That said, I did put the new recipe up this morning and I'm hoping my own post with a healthier dish motivates me to get back on the horse and start again. I made Esquites (Mexican Corn Salad) and I need to get back to making more sides like this. Something fresh and tasty and not just grabbing a potato or something.

    OK. Pity party over. Sorry I'm so depressing. I just need a solid kick in the butt. If I don't have any check ins or positive updates soon someone call me out! Seriously. I need someone to remind me that I got my health under control and excellent blood tests and that going backwards like this is just going to be heartbreaking.

    Right now, fasting blood sugar hit the 120s again (I had it down to right at 100) and I put 10 lbs back on. I don't even want to know if my A1C rocketed back up but I'm trying to get myself in gear before I get it checked again.
  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    I know full well that if I was a dog, I’d be a fat poodle, but that makes me sad because my slim standard poodle died this week. I have taken comfort eating to new levels. I didn’t even know I liked cheesecake.

    So sorry for your loss 😞 I know how much our furbabies mean to us and how hard it is to lose them.

  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi! I’m Bonnie, 34. Chronic illness warrior and dog mom.

    SW: 288.8 (February 2022)
    CW: 210.4

    5/29- 210.4
    6/5- 210.4
    6/12- 207.6 (-2.8)
    6/19- 206.4 (-1.2)

    My goals for June:
    ⬇️ lose 2-3 pounds
    💪 keep up with PT exercise at home 3x per week
    🚶‍♀️ short walk outside at least once a week
    📖 read at least 3 books
    📚 keep up with Bible reading
    🏊‍♀️ go swimming at least a couple times (good news- they opened the pool on time this year for the first time in many years)

    I’ve been keeping up with PT at home. I haven’t been walking outside due to foot pain except for yesterday when I went on a 20ish minute walk through a grass trail at a park with my niece and nephews. It was spontaneous and I hope my feet don’t have too much issue. I think I need orthotics so I made an appointment with a podiatrist.

    I also haven’t been swimming because it was closed for at least 10 days to be decontaminated 😳 hopefully I’ll get the chance to go soon.

    I think I’ve read 2 books so far so finishing a 3rd shouldn’t be an issue. Most months I’ve been reading 5-7 books so June has been slower but that’s okay. I have been keeping up with Bible reading.

    @pamperedlinny you can do this 🙂
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,592 Member
    Good morning!!!!

    Yesterday was my husband’s birthday. I told you all yesterday that I needed to stop giving myself excuses and buckle down… and I think I managed pretty well. I ate super light through the day and when a craving hit mid-afternoon I allowed myself exactly one serving of tortilla chips to get the crunchy salty cravings out of the way. He wanted spaghetti and Carvel ice cream cake. I sautéed broccoli slaw with garlic and olive oil and some seasonings. Then I put a bunch of that in my bowl before the pasta and mixed it together so that I would have a bunch of veggies as my base. I added a couple frozen meatballs as well for some protein. Then added my marinara sauce. Unfortunately, I didn’t measure the cheese and caught myself snacking on shredded cheese while I was cooking. But in the big picture I had the calories and it was fine. I kept to a smaller slice of ice cream cake and estimated my calories there. Overall, my guess is I was somewhere around 1600-1800 and that is my actual goal. I’m counting it all as a win!

    @bonniemcc4 I hope you get what you need from the podiatrist. I love being able to do walks on little trails nearby.
  • serenecompassion2663
    serenecompassion2663 Posts: 59 Member
    Good morning, Ladies!😊

    53 years old
    Cat mom

    SW: 235
    May 2023: 220.6
    June 2023: 220.4
    GW: 140

    I’ve held steady, basically. That dip of 0.2 I will celebrate, though. It is progress.

    I continue to learn about the Ozempic. The amount of simple carbs I eat can affect how I feel physically, and how well the Ozempic works. I talked with my doctor and my dietitian, and have adjusted my goals. My Ozempic dose has been increased to 1 mg/ week.

    My Goals:
    🌻 Avoid refined sugar
    🌻 Avoid simple carbs
    🌻 Increase veggie intake
    🌻Increase water intake
    🌻 Increase protein intake to 90g daily
    🌻 Walk 2 miles 5x/week
    🌻Walk in the pool 2x/week
    🌻 Read a fun book

    I finished reading “The Lost Apothocary,” and loved it. According to my Goodreads Challenge, I haven’t read a fun book since “The Giver of Stars.” That’s way too long to go between books.

    @bonniemcc4 : I struggle with plantar fasciitis, and have leather stabilizing heel inserts in my walking shoes. I need to buy some for my dress flats.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all!

    Yesterday I did really well. My daughter used a recipe from her Kids Baking Club box for dinner so we have Hula Hula Pineapple Chicken with rice and broccoli. Instead of my husband's leftover ice cream cake for dessert, I made some sugar free Butterscotch pudding and enjoyed that. Thankfully, this morning my fasting blood sugar was closer to normal. Not as low as I really want but so much better than what I saw earlier this week. Just need to keep on that track. I haven't done another weigh in yet but I'm planning to do that over the weekend. Hoping at least a bit of the 10 lbs I put back on will be falling off again.

    I'm starting the audiobook of The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna and I'm about halfway through the physical book of The Summer Place by Jennifer Weiner. @serenecompassion2663 I really enjoyed The Lost Apothocary. The author was at a local bookstore earlier this year and I got to meet her and get my copy signed. She is so sweet... and I can tell you the explanation of the book she's currently writing has me waiting with baited breath for her 3rd book. Sounds like pirates and treasure and a whole different direction of the 2 she has written so far.

    I'm hoping to get these kids (my daughter and her friend) out of the house today by going to the library and then Chick-fil-A. Our library is hosting a Lego Club this afternoon and the Chick-fil-A is hosting a free petting zoo event. It's supposed to rain all day today so I need to get them out and doing something.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all!

    I did pretty well yesterday but I've already been craving things this morning and I try not to eat until after 10am. It is only 9:38am so I just hope I can hold myelf in check and not go overboard at all today.

    I took my daughter and her friend to Lego Club at the library, dinner and to visit a petting zoo set up at Chick-fil-A, and shopping in a bunch of cheap shops for junk food that we don't need at all. :D I'm a sucker. However, something about seeing a real cow at Chick-fil-A just made my whole week.

  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 108 Member
    That’s a very fine cow. Thanks for your condolences . I’m feeling better . Very glad I had my dog in my life. Eatings under control again. Think I may actually record a loss this month. Must check my goals.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday weigh in day!
    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 6/1: 174.9 (173.6 average)
    6/3: 173.8 (average 173.7)
    6/10: 173 (average 173.6)
    6/17: 173.8 (average 173.9)
    6/24: 173.4 (average 173.7)

    🌼 June Goals! 🌼

    🌼 June GW (average): 172.5

    🟡Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week ❌
    🟡Log everything in grams✅
    🟡 Shut down the house every night✅

    Welp, let me tell you, it doesn't look much like progress, but getting back to logging everything in grams *is* progress. Without logging in grams, everything is all mystical and unknowable. AND because I hadn't been logging in grams, forgetting stuff, MacroFactor is telling me I have to eat something awful like 1400 cal a day to lose weight, because it thought whatever I logged (and forgot stuff) was everything. Uh, no. Tools are only as good as you use them to be.

    Plus, you know, based on my beginning-of-month weight, we're not doing so bad. Average is about the same, though. Can't believe it's going to be July next Saturday. Wild.

    Let's see...Today is gym, poles and a class for abs and booty, which I love. Then lots of laundry, some weeding, and probably leftovers tonight? We'll see, I might do burgers instead. If I do burgers, mine will of course be without the bun, salad-style. We have a lot of burger patties and buns in the freezer left over from the party.

    Last night I went a little crazy, certainly over maintenance, but I logged it all, it's just information, and it's just one day. Most of the week I was eating in the 1700s calories, I haven't yet figured out how to keep the crazy hunger at work at bay. Still working on it.

    Party last week went great, everyone had a good time, and we've finally finished the birthday cake yesterday. It was a mostly-me effort, lol, taking a little piece with my coffee every morning for my coffee treat.

    I made red beans and rice for the first time Thursday, as a treat for getting through all the various party leftovers- the crudite, and so much potato salad. It was really, really tasty, and dang cheap for so much food- I've still got plenty in the fridge.


    Beans are the secret to cheap meals, I'm convinced. Now I just have to get my kids on board with that, lol.

    Tag party time!
    @sandramarshall200 thank you! When we were house shopping, my one non-negotiable was a front porch, haha. I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. I hope you're taking care of yourself, and if that means cheesecake, that's what it means. And it looks like you've gotten past the eating-to-cope stage, good for you.

    @badnoodle Again, the plate is immaculate. I hope your new shoes are broken in soon, I hate that feeling of knowing there are going to be blisters in the future, haha. And I hope the electrolysis worked well for the hairs!

    @pamperedlinny that corn salad looks incredible! Also, carvel ice cream cake, best cake, haha. And I love how you got into some adventures with your daughter and her friend! Those are the best kind of days, very busy, like you earned your relaxing on the couch at the end.

    @bonniemcc4 walking with the kids sounds like a lovely thing to do. I, too, hope the pool opens up for you soon! I love some pool exercise.

    @orchiddove717 that makes you one of the lowest-weighing people in the thread! Would you mind posting what your typical day looks like, food-wise? I'm so curious how that's going to look when I get around 150.

    @serenecompassion2663 the lost apothecary is on my list of to read! I think the last book I finished was.... Hanging Out, about how we don't do that as much in person anymore and...it's good for us, we should, haha.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,592 Member
    Happy Saturday!!!

    I stepped on the scale today. Given last week I did the quick on and off and barely looked, seeing a slightly over 10 lb total gain. And tried to not be sad. As of this morning I'm at 8.4 lbs above my previous low. I'm only 19.4 lbs from my current goal then. It's good to know I haven't gone so far out of control. Less than 10 to my previous and less than 20 to the goal. I just need to keep it in perspective and not go crazy for weeks again.

    Today is one of our favorite events. We go to Freedom Blast every year. There are good trucks, live music, inflatables for the kids, and fireworks at the end of the night. It actually kicks off at 6pm with a sky diver carrying in a massive American flag. Since my hometown used to do a 3 day festival for Independence Day and, since moving here, we found this free 4 to 5 hour event instead. One day I'll get home for the 4th. I miss a 2 to 3 hour parade, 3 day fair with music, rides, crafters market, etc. It's a spectacle in the best possible way.

    We have a bunch of friends meeting us there too. I'm going to try and not eat a ton until later and then not buy a bunch of junk food either. Good for my calories and for my budget if I can convince myself to skip all the food vendors. We are picking up a pizza on the way though. 😋 I may still indulge in a hard cider if the beer tent had them again this year.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,592 Member
    Good morning all!

    We're playing hooky and skipped church this morning. I'm so tired and my daughter has even budged. We didn't get to bed until after midnight. However, I didn't but any food from vendors at the event. We picked up pizza on the way, brought single serve bags of snacks, and a bunch of cut fruit in our cooler. Another friend showed up with 40 chicken nuggets from McD. We kept to our snacks, enjoyed all the things, and the scale is finally moving down again. Yay!!!!

    I have 6.4 lbs to hit my previous low. And 18 lbs to hit my next goal.g8l0wmbqea32.jpg
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    @pamperedlinny that looks phenomenal! And proud of you for sticking to your guns in such a tempting food situation!

    I took a mirror selfie this weekend that I was kind of shocked by. The left is this time last year, right is me this past weekend. The difference between the two is only 10-11 pounds in scale weight. Just goes to show- as you get lower, less weight being lost still makes a huge difference!

    (please ignore the dirty mirror on the left, haha)

  • ojade9800
    ojade9800 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I didnt check in last week as I'd maintained and admittedly lost some motivation. This week's update!

    SW: 124.4KG (274LBS)
    GW: 75KG (165LBS)
    CW: 117.7KG (259.4LBS)
    Total lost: 6.8KG (15LBS)

    I lost a lot of motivation after not seeing much progress the last time I weighed in but regardless I still stuck to my calories (aside from a few missed days when I went for a meal with friends and my partner).

    After seeing this loss this time around im back up and mostly at it, I need to get a meal plan set up so we can start budgeting and meal prepping what we eat, otherwise we're spending too much on groceries.

    I still haven't noticed much differences body wise, I did my photos for the month and didn't see much of a difference but I think that could be due to the fact I haven't been back cycling or exercising. I'm planning on joining my local gym and focusing on cardio just to help and start building a bit more muscle and toning. I just domt have as much energy as when I was eating more veggies so defo need to switch something up.

    Otherwise I'm on a 63 day MFP streak which I have no intention of breaking. 4kgs to go and I'll officially be the LOWEST I've been for 2 years and I'm so excited 😁😁

    My goals for the month!

    Get back on the bike and start cycling more!
    Focus on maintaining drinking 2 liters of water every day!
    Meal prep and plan for healthier meals!
    Join the gym and start toning up!

    As always, thank you for reading and happy weight loss ladies! 💓💓
  • coffeeandtruecrime
    coffeeandtruecrime Posts: 20 Member
    SW 284
    CW 249
    GW 150

    I'm not weight myself until the 15th of next month

    Goals for this month
    • Work out most days (successful so far)
    • Eat more veggies (successful so far)
    • Continue my tarot study, and keeping doing my daily pulls with both decks. Start my lenormand study, and keep reading my oracle cards. (started being successful so far)
    • Write more fanfiction and finish a fanlisting. (in progress)

    Watching my friends kids makes me happy, unless they are being teens and preteens tbh, (why is fat their first insult with each other :( ) When Sloan or Gabi is on Days that makes me happy, watching Miraculous Ladybug brings me joy (they are airing the two part finale on Saturday <3 T_T), writing, drawing, and reading make me happy. All my hobbies are sedentary lol, I'm not a fan of the outdoors or the sun :P.

    What this journey has taught me is that I don't have to give up my carbs to lose weight, I just have to limit the amount, which I wouldn't want to give that up especially since I am already vegan and I my pool of food is already limited so to speak, if that makes sense. I think I am going to get another stationary bike seat, the one I currently have is starting to hurt my butt. My mom called, and it's been more than a month since I talked to her because I can't take her because I can't have normal conversation with her. She loves bring up her fake news and conspiracy theories and it feels like slamming my head into a brick wall.

    @pamperedlinny That's such a pretty picture of you!

    @CupcakeCrusoe beautiful picture, and amazing progress!