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Hi,My name is Maggie.I have lost a lot of weight using this app.I Started my journey at 480.Not proud of it but all my life food was a comfort and also autoimmune thyroid from age12.I started caring when my health got bad.I had good health for years even being huge.Than one day I did not and had a DVT and two PE.This made me hyper focus.I was orginally told my weight caused it.I lost 82 pounds using diet exercise and this app.I than choose to have a weight loss surgery to help get off the weight.I fully invested myself and went from 398 to 156 I went to the gym twice a day once I was smaller.I also kept a strict diet .Starting at 480 my highest loss was 322 .Now here I am after giving birth to a beautiful daughter who was sick and only lived 12 hours.I am at 188 and I even had another blood clot right after my baby.So almost a year later I am trying to get back to it.I could really use some motivation.If anyone wants to be friends.Also maybe my story will motivate you.