100 day Challenge #16 – Saturday June 15 2023 to Friday September 22 2023



  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,738 Member
    Hi again! I'm Jeanne. πŸ‘‹πŸ˜€
    I'm 47, 5' 4", live in Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

    1st week goal weight: ⬇️
    1st week actual weight: 167

    Day 1 Thursday June 15: 167
    Day 2 Friday June 16: 167
    Day 3 Saturday June 17: 165.7
    Day 4 Sunday June 18: 168
    Day 5 Monday June 19: 165.2
    Day 6 Tuesday June 20: 164.0
    Day 7 Wednesday June 21: 165.2

    2nd week goal weight: 165
    2nd week actual weight: 163.4

    Day 8 TH June 22: 163.4
    Day 9 FR June 23: 162.6
    Day 10 SA June 24: 162.5
    Day 11 SU June 25: 163.6
    Day 12 MO June 26: 163.4
    Day 13 TU June 27: 163.2
    Day 14 WE June 28: 165.2

    3rd week goal weight: 163.0
    3rd week actual weight: 163.8

    Day 15 TH June 29: 163.8
    Day 16 FR June 30: 162.6
    Day 17 SA July 1: 161.4
    Day 18 SU July 2: 163.0
    Day 19 MO July 3: 161.2
    Day 20 TU July 4: 163.2
    Day 21 WE July 5: 162.0

    4th week goal weight: 161
    4th week actual weight: 162.2

    Day 22 TH July 6: 162.2
    Day 23 FR July 7: 163.2
    Day 24 SA July 8: 161.8
    Day 25 SU July 9: 162.2
    Day 26 MO July 10: 160.8
    Day 27 TU July 11: 158.0
    Day 28 WE July 12: 157.8

    5th week goal weight: 158.0
    5th week actual weight: 159.4

    Day 29 TH July 13: 159.4
    Day 30 FR July 14: 159.6
    Day 31 SA July 15: 160.2
    Day 32 SU July 16: 162.6
    Day 33 MO July 17: 159.8
    Day 34 TU July 18: 161.0
    Day 35 WE July 19: 162.6

    6th week goal weight: 160
    6th week actual weight: 161.4

    Day 36. TH July 20: 161.4
    Day 37. FR July 21: 160.8
    Day 38. SA July 22: 165.0
    Day 39. SU July 23: 165.4
    Day 40. MO July 24: 163.2
    Day 41. TU July 25: 163.4
    Day 42. WE July 26: 163.8

    7th week goal weight: 160
    7th week actual weight: 163.8

    Day 43. TH July 27: 163.8
    Day 44. FR July 28: 164.2
    Day 45. SA July 29: 163.8
    Day 46. SU July 30: 163.0
    Day 47. MO July 31: 162.4
    Day 48. TU August 1: 163.2
  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,738 Member
    Talking about weigh in…

    I weigh myself every morning
    with my Aria Air scale that connects automatically to my Fitbit app.
    I can’t cheat!! It tracks on its own πŸ˜†


    On the scale
    1st thing every morning now,
    fasting, in my underwear 🀭
  • tinathescreamer
    tinathescreamer Posts: 414 Member
    Ultimate goal 70 kg
    Day 1 Thursday June 15 Already the 15th on my side of the world. 79 kg. I am at 25 BMI but my ethnicity calls for a lower BMI to get in a healthy weight range. Went for a 3 hour walk. went 1 cal over my net limit.
    Day 2 Friday June 16 79 kg. No loss but maintaining is better than gaining. Didn't do much today as I'm coming down with a cold.

    1st week goal weight: 78.8
    1st week actual weight:79 kg

    Day 3 Saturday June 17 78.8 kg
    Day 4 Sunday June 18 78.4 kg. still coughing quite badly and food doesn't taste great, so keeping the calories down.
    Day 5 Monday June 19 78 kg. 1 kilo in 5 days? Holy cow! I feel I'm eating enough. remind self that weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Prob this rate won't continue
    Day 6 Tuesday June 20 78 kg
    Day 7 Wednesday June 21 78.1 kg. Every day it isn't raining I go for at least a 60 min walk. While walking I look out for dropped coins. So far I have found 90 cents (US 54 cents) I plan to save it all and buy myself a non food treat at the end of the Challenge.
    Day 8 Thursday June 22 78 kg. Keeping the salt down - but it's fat I want to lose, not water.
    Day 9 Friday June 23 77.8 kg. Found $2 (US1.27) while walking. This week has def gone well.

    2nd week goal weight: 78.3 kg
    2nd week actual weight: 77.9 kg. Wow. Just wow. Don't know if this rate will continue, but I'll take the loss so far.

    Day 10 Saturday June 24 77.8 kg
    Day 11 Sunday June 25 78kg. Going in the wrong direction! So what did I do? Spent the day eating buttered toast and honey.
    Day 12 Monday June 26 77.8 kg. Feeling lazy today so bought some potato salad for lunch. The spuds were undercooked and the mayo so sweet my teeth almost fell out. Maybe my tastebuds are becoming accustomed to less sugar? I am trying to avoid sauces and dressings and just using herbs and spices in cooking.
    Day 13 Tuesday June 27 77.9 kg. Eating too much bread.
    Day 14 Wednesday June 28 77.5 kg. Raining today so didn't walk. Drinking a load of black coffee which acts as an appetite suppressant for me.
    Day 15 Thursday June 29 77.6 kg. Tried on a size 16D bra, was a little loose. Tried on an old 14C, was a bit too tight. How uncomfortable do I want to be until I lose a little more weight?
    Day 16 Friday June 30 77.4 kg

    3rd week goal weight: 77.2
    3rd week actual weight: 77.4 Didn't quite reach target but I'll take the loss anyway.

    Day 17 – Saturday July 01 77 kg. Waist 33.5 ins. Hips 43.5 ins.
    Day 18 – Sunday July 02 76.8 kg. BMI 24.5. 2 more kilos to lose and I will be in the healthy range for my ethnicity. Hint - if you calculate BMI, use a calculator that takes into account age, gender and ethnicity, not just weight and height.
    Day 19 – Monday July 03 76.7 kg
    Day 20 – Tuesday July 04 76.5 kg - have lost a total of 9 kg (19.8 lbs) since starting MFP
    Day 21 – Wednesday July 05 76.7 kg
    Day 22 – Thursday July 06 76.8 kg. I am 65 today! Celebrated retirement by going to an Indian restaurant. Mmmm .... buttered naan bread ....
    Day 23 – Friday July 07 76.4 kg. Today is Day 100 of tracking my food and exercise on MFP. I have lost 9.1 kg altogether (20 lbs). Jeans getting rather loose.

    4th week goal weight: 76.5 kg
    4th week actual weight: 76.4 kg. Made it!

    Day 24 – Saturday July 08 76 kg! woot woot!
    Day 25 – Sunday July 09 76 kg
    Day 26 – Monday July 10 76.8 kg. Neighbor gave me a pot of homemade apricot jam. Note to self - pass on such future goodies to food pantry immediately instead of devouring jam sandwiches non stop ....
    Day 27 – Tuesday July 11 76.4 kg
    Day 28 – Wednesday July 12 76.2 kg
    Day 29 – Thursday July 13 76 kg. Tonight we celebrated Matariki, the Rising of the Seven Sisters (the Pleiades). I was very restrained at the feast, only a small portion of roast pork and sweet potato, no potato bread, and just one scoop of ice cream. Part of the invite required a contribution to the food pantry, so I found a box of cereal, a jar of honey, some other sweet stuff and a can of coconut milk to donate - I hope someone needs to put on weight!
    Day 30 – Friday July 14 75.5 kg! 3.5 kg lost in 30 days! Wow!

    5th week goal weight: 75.5 kg
    5th week actual weight: 75.5 kg. Go me!

    Day 31 – Saturday July 15 75.9 kg
    Day 32 – Sunday July 16 76.2 kg
    Day 33 – Monday July 17 76 kg
    Day 34 – Tuesday July 18 75.3 kg
    Day 35 – Wednesday July 19 75.1 kg
    Day 36 – Thursday July 20 74.9 kg. Waist 33 ins. Hips 42 ins. Yes! Down in the Healthy BMI range! Aim to get down to 22 BMI.
    Day 37 – Friday July 21 74.8 kg Thinking of doing some weight training in order to replace fat with muscle and develop some upper body strength.

    6th week goal weight: 75 kg
    6th week actual weight: 74.8 kg

    Day 38 – Saturday July 22 75.1 kg
    Day 39 – Sunday July 23 74.9 kg
    Day 40 – Monday July 24 75.1 kg
    Day 41 – Tuesday July 25 74.9 kg. This feels like a plateau tho I'm still regularly below my net allowed calories.
    Day 42 – Wednesday July 26 74.8 kg.
    Day 43 – Thursday July 27 75 kg. Think I may be missing recording some calories somewhere. Need to be more vigilant.
    Day 44 – Friday July 28 74.3 kg. Before MFP I weighed 100 kg (220 lbs) but managed to lose a fair bit of it even without tracking. Now I've lost over 25 kg (55 lbs) I tried on a cardigan I knitted for myself back then - and now it's enormous! I feel like the Saggy, Baggy Elephant wearing it. Off to the thrift store with it! I'll knit myself a new one after I've kept the weight off for a while.

    7th week goal weight: Setting weekly goals doesn't do much for me, I find - just keeping my eye on the overall goal and celebrating various milestones as they occur.
    7th week actual weight:

    Day 45 – Saturday July 29 74.5 kg
    Day 46 – Sunday July 30 75.1 kg. I made a start on decluttering today, after watching youtube videos. Two shopping bags of size 18 clothes donated - I swear on Peter Rabbit's lettuce I will never let myself get that big again. Size 14 now - would like to get back to 12.
    Day 47 – Monday July 31 74.8 kg
    Day 48 – Tuesday August 01 74.5 kg. Sometimes I weigh myself with a towel on. Sometimes I don't.
    Day 49 – Wednesday August 02 74.2 kg.
    Day 50 – Thursday August 03
    Day 51 – Friday August 04

    8th week goal weight:
    8th week actual weight:

    Day 52 – Saturday August 05
    Day 53 – Sunday August 06
    Day 54 – Monday August 07
    Day 55 – Tuesday August 08
    Day 56 – Wednesday August 09
    Day 57 – Thursday August 10
    Day 58 – Friday August 11

    9th week goal weight:
    9th week actual weight:

    Day 59 – Saturday August 12
    Day 60 – Sunday August 13
    Day 61 – Monday August 14
    Day 62 – Tuesday August 15
    Day 63 – Wednesday August 16
    Day 64 – Thursday August 17
    Day 65 – Friday August 18

    10th week goal weight:
    10th week actual weight:

    Day 66 – Saturday August 19
    Day 67 – Sunday August 20
    Day 68 – Monday August 21
    Day 69 – Tuesday August 22
    Day 70 – Wednesday August 23
    Day 71 – Thursday August 24
    Day 72 – Friday August 25

    11th week goal weight:
    11th week actual weight:

    Day 73 – Saturday August 26
    Day 74 – Sunday August 27
    Day 75 – Monday August 28
    Day 76 – Tuesday August 29
    Day 77 – Wednesday August 30
    Day 78 – Thursday August 31
    Day 79 – Friday September 01

    12th week goal weight:
    12th week actual weight:

    Day 80 – Saturday September 02
    Day 81 – Sunday September 03
    Day 82 – Monday September 04
    Day 83 – Tuesday September 05
    Day 84 – Wednesday September 06
    Day 85 – Thursday September 07
    Day 86 – Friday September 08

    13th week goal weight:
    13th week actual weight:

    Day 87 – Saturday September 09
    Day 88 – Sunday September 10
    Day 89 – Monday September 11
    Day 90 – Tuesday September 12
    Day 91 – Wednesday September 13
    Day 92 – Thursday September 14
    Day 93 – Friday September 15

    14th week goal weight:
    14th week actual weight:

    Day 94 – Saturday September 16
    Day 95 – Sunday September 17
    Day 96 – Monday September 18
    Day 97 – Tuesday September 19
    Day 98 – Wednesday September 20
    Day 99 – Thursday September 21
    Day 100 – Friday September 22
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,831 Member
    7th week goal weight: <228
    7th week actual weight: 229.2 / 229.4
    7th week weight loss: .1
    Challenge weight lost: 1.6
    Challenge weight to go: 10.2
    My weight is down slightly and my trend is up slightly. Well this week didn’t show the scale going much lower and I know why. I’m not journaling and I’m hiding from myself not admitting to the snacking. Time to get that habit back under control. BABY STEPS

    Day 45: 7/29 - 228.9 / 229.2 - Biked 20 min, 5 min strength w/ 5 lb weights
    Day 46: 7/30 - 228.7 / 229.0 - Biked 20 min, 5 min strength w/ 5 lb weights
    Day 47: 7/31 - 229.3 / 229.0 - Biked 20 min, 5 min strength w/ 5 lb weights
    Day 48 : 8/01 - 228.7 228.9 - Biked 20 min, 5 min strength w/ 5 lb weights
    Day 49: 8/02 - 231 @ 3am - Not sure if this is a slip up or just too early and lack of sleep reflected on the scale. Plan to start biking 30 min per day in August and totally forgot yesterday
    Day 50: 8/03 - -
    Day 51: 8/04 - -

    8th week goal weight: <228
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,240 Member
    @tinathescreamer - weighing with our without a towel would make a big difference especially if damp or not.
    I weigh in my PJs which might vary a little but mostly they are about all the same.
    At the doctor's office I weigh with clothes and shoes which sometimes means jeans which I know make a big difference so I usually step on the scale when leaving the house for the doctor's office to see how much the my scale varies from theirs.

    What about the rest of you? [/b]
    @Lilylady3k Because I (usually) take my shower at night, I weigh in the morning in my nightgown. The weights on the fabric can vary but I don't sweat that as I usually fold it and wear it for a couple of nights. Of course I go after potty, before coffee and before any water or meds.
  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,738 Member
    Hi again! I'm Jeanne. πŸ‘‹πŸ˜€
    I'm 47, 5' 4", live in Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

    1st week goal weight: ⬇️
    1st week actual weight: 167

    Day 1 Thursday June 15: 167
    Day 2 Friday June 16: 167
    Day 3 Saturday June 17: 165.7
    Day 4 Sunday June 18: 168
    Day 5 Monday June 19: 165.2
    Day 6 Tuesday June 20: 164.0
    Day 7 Wednesday June 21: 165.2

    2nd week goal weight: 165
    2nd week actual weight: 163.4

    Day 8 TH June 22: 163.4
    Day 9 FR June 23: 162.6
    Day 10 SA June 24: 162.5
    Day 11 SU June 25: 163.6
    Day 12 MO June 26: 163.4
    Day 13 TU June 27: 163.2
    Day 14 WE June 28: 165.2

    3rd week goal weight: 163.0
    3rd week actual weight: 163.8

    Day 15 TH June 29: 163.8
    Day 16 FR June 30: 162.6
    Day 17 SA July 1: 161.4
    Day 18 SU July 2: 163.0
    Day 19 MO July 3: 161.2
    Day 20 TU July 4: 163.2
    Day 21 WE July 5: 162.0

    4th week goal weight: 161
    4th week actual weight: 162.2

    Day 22 TH July 6: 162.2
    Day 23 FR July 7: 163.2
    Day 24 SA July 8: 161.8
    Day 25 SU July 9: 162.2
    Day 26 MO July 10: 160.8
    Day 27 TU July 11: 158.0
    Day 28 WE July 12: 157.8

    5th week goal weight: 158.0
    5th week actual weight: 159.4

    Day 29 TH July 13: 159.4
    Day 30 FR July 14: 159.6
    Day 31 SA July 15: 160.2
    Day 32 SU July 16: 162.6
    Day 33 MO July 17: 159.8
    Day 34 TU July 18: 161.0
    Day 35 WE July 19: 162.6

    6th week goal weight: 160
    6th week actual weight: 161.4

    Day 36. TH July 20: 161.4
    Day 37. FR July 21: 160.8
    Day 38. SA July 22: 165.0
    Day 39. SU July 23: 165.4
    Day 40. MO July 24: 163.2
    Day 41. TU July 25: 163.4
    Day 42. WE July 26: 163.8

    7th week goal weight: 160
    7th week actual weight: 163.8

    Day 43. TH July 27: 163.8
    Day 44. FR July 28: 164.2
    Day 45. SA July 29: 163.8
    Day 46. SU July 30: 163.0
    Day 47. MO July 31: 162.4
    Day 48. TU August 1: 163.2
    Day 49. WE August 2: 163.6

    8th week goal weight: 160
    8th week actual weight: 164.0

    Day 49. TH August 3: 164.0

    * I need to learn how to do
    those « spoiler » so my posts
    aren’t that long!! 🀭
  • tinathescreamer
    tinathescreamer Posts: 414 Member
    Ultimate goal 70 kg
    Day 1 Thursday June 15 Already the 15th on my side of the world. 79 kg. I am at 25 BMI but my ethnicity calls for a lower BMI to get in a healthy weight range. Went for a 3 hour walk. went 1 cal over my net limit.
    Day 2 Friday June 16 79 kg. No loss but maintaining is better than gaining. Didn't do much today as I'm coming down with a cold.

    1st week goal weight: 78.8
    1st week actual weight:79 kg

    Day 3 Saturday June 17 78.8 kg
    Day 4 Sunday June 18 78.4 kg. still coughing quite badly and food doesn't taste great, so keeping the calories down.
    Day 5 Monday June 19 78 kg. 1 kilo in 5 days? Holy cow! I feel I'm eating enough. remind self that weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Prob this rate won't continue
    Day 6 Tuesday June 20 78 kg
    Day 7 Wednesday June 21 78.1 kg. Every day it isn't raining I go for at least a 60 min walk. While walking I look out for dropped coins. So far I have found 90 cents (US 54 cents) I plan to save it all and buy myself a non food treat at the end of the Challenge.
    Day 8 Thursday June 22 78 kg. Keeping the salt down - but it's fat I want to lose, not water.
    Day 9 Friday June 23 77.8 kg. Found $2 (US1.27) while walking. This week has def gone well.

    2nd week goal weight: 78.3 kg
    2nd week actual weight: 77.9 kg. Wow. Just wow. Don't know if this rate will continue, but I'll take the loss so far.

    Day 10 Saturday June 24 77.8 kg
    Day 11 Sunday June 25 78kg. Going in the wrong direction! So what did I do? Spent the day eating buttered toast and honey.
    Day 12 Monday June 26 77.8 kg. Feeling lazy today so bought some potato salad for lunch. The spuds were undercooked and the mayo so sweet my teeth almost fell out. Maybe my tastebuds are becoming accustomed to less sugar? I am trying to avoid sauces and dressings and just using herbs and spices in cooking.
    Day 13 Tuesday June 27 77.9 kg. Eating too much bread.
    Day 14 Wednesday June 28 77.5 kg. Raining today so didn't walk. Drinking a load of black coffee which acts as an appetite suppressant for me.
    Day 15 Thursday June 29 77.6 kg. Tried on a size 16D bra, was a little loose. Tried on an old 14C, was a bit too tight. How uncomfortable do I want to be until I lose a little more weight?
    Day 16 Friday June 30 77.4 kg

    3rd week goal weight: 77.2
    3rd week actual weight: 77.4 Didn't quite reach target but I'll take the loss anyway.

    Day 17 – Saturday July 01 77 kg. Waist 33.5 ins. Hips 43.5 ins.
    Day 18 – Sunday July 02 76.8 kg. BMI 24.5. 2 more kilos to lose and I will be in the healthy range for my ethnicity. Hint - if you calculate BMI, use a calculator that takes into account age, gender and ethnicity, not just weight and height.
    Day 19 – Monday July 03 76.7 kg
    Day 20 – Tuesday July 04 76.5 kg - have lost a total of 9 kg (19.8 lbs) since starting MFP
    Day 21 – Wednesday July 05 76.7 kg
    Day 22 – Thursday July 06 76.8 kg. I am 65 today! Celebrated retirement by going to an Indian restaurant. Mmmm .... buttered naan bread ....
    Day 23 – Friday July 07 76.4 kg. Today is Day 100 of tracking my food and exercise on MFP. I have lost 9.1 kg altogether (20 lbs). Jeans getting rather loose.

    4th week goal weight: 76.5 kg
    4th week actual weight: 76.4 kg. Made it!

    Day 24 – Saturday July 08 76 kg! woot woot!
    Day 25 – Sunday July 09 76 kg
    Day 26 – Monday July 10 76.8 kg. Neighbor gave me a pot of homemade apricot jam. Note to self - pass on such future goodies to food pantry immediately instead of devouring jam sandwiches non stop ....
    Day 27 – Tuesday July 11 76.4 kg
    Day 28 – Wednesday July 12 76.2 kg
    Day 29 – Thursday July 13 76 kg. Tonight we celebrated Matariki, the Rising of the Seven Sisters (the Pleiades). I was very restrained at the feast, only a small portion of roast pork and sweet potato, no potato bread, and just one scoop of ice cream. Part of the invite required a contribution to the food pantry, so I found a box of cereal, a jar of honey, some other sweet stuff and a can of coconut milk to donate - I hope someone needs to put on weight!
    Day 30 – Friday July 14 75.5 kg! 3.5 kg lost in 30 days! Wow!

    5th week goal weight: 75.5 kg
    5th week actual weight: 75.5 kg. Go me!

    Day 31 – Saturday July 15 75.9 kg
    Day 32 – Sunday July 16 76.2 kg
    Day 33 – Monday July 17 76 kg
    Day 34 – Tuesday July 18 75.3 kg
    Day 35 – Wednesday July 19 75.1 kg
    Day 36 – Thursday July 20 74.9 kg. Waist 33 ins. Hips 42 ins. Yes! Down in the Healthy BMI range! Aim to get down to 22 BMI.
    Day 37 – Friday July 21 74.8 kg Thinking of doing some weight training in order to replace fat with muscle and develop some upper body strength.

    6th week goal weight: 75 kg
    6th week actual weight: 74.8 kg

    Day 38 – Saturday July 22 75.1 kg
    Day 39 – Sunday July 23 74.9 kg
    Day 40 – Monday July 24 75.1 kg
    Day 41 – Tuesday July 25 74.9 kg. This feels like a plateau tho I'm still regularly below my net allowed calories.
    Day 42 – Wednesday July 26 74.8 kg.
    Day 43 – Thursday July 27 75 kg. Think I may be missing recording some calories somewhere. Need to be more vigilant.
    Day 44 – Friday July 28 74.3 kg. Before MFP I weighed 100 kg (220 lbs) but managed to lose a fair bit of it even without tracking. Now I've lost over 25 kg (55 lbs) I tried on a cardigan I knitted for myself back then - and now it's enormous! I feel like the Saggy, Baggy Elephant wearing it. Off to the thrift store with it! I'll knit myself a new one after I've kept the weight off for a while.

    7th week goal weight: Setting weekly goals doesn't do much for me, I find - just keeping my eye on the overall goal and celebrating various milestones as they occur.
    7th week actual weight:

    Day 45 – Saturday July 29 74.5 kg
    Day 46 – Sunday July 30 75.1 kg. I made a start on decluttering today, after watching youtube videos. Two shopping bags of size 18 clothes donated - I swear on Peter Rabbit's lettuce I will never let myself get that big again. Size 14 now - would like to get back to 12.
    Day 47 – Monday July 31 74.8 kg
    Day 48 – Tuesday August 01 74.5 kg. Sometimes I weigh myself with a towel on. Sometimes I don't.
    Day 49 – Wednesday August 02 74.2 kg.
    Day 50 – Thursday August 03 74 kg. Yay! Halfway through the Challenge and I have lost 5 kg (11 lbs). Another 50 days left to lose the last 4 kg and I will beat goal!
    Day 51 – Friday August 04 73.9 kg

    8th week goal weight:
    8th week actual weight:

    Day 52 – Saturday August 05
    Day 53 – Sunday August 06
    Day 54 – Monday August 07
    Day 55 – Tuesday August 08
    Day 56 – Wednesday August 09
    Day 57 – Thursday August 10
    Day 58 – Friday August 11

    9th week goal weight:
    9th week actual weight:

    Day 59 – Saturday August 12
    Day 60 – Sunday August 13
    Day 61 – Monday August 14
    Day 62 – Tuesday August 15
    Day 63 – Wednesday August 16
    Day 64 – Thursday August 17
    Day 65 – Friday August 18

    10th week goal weight:
    10th week actual weight:

    Day 66 – Saturday August 19
    Day 67 – Sunday August 20
    Day 68 – Monday August 21
    Day 69 – Tuesday August 22
    Day 70 – Wednesday August 23
    Day 71 – Thursday August 24
    Day 72 – Friday August 25

    11th week goal weight:
    11th week actual weight:

    Day 73 – Saturday August 26
    Day 74 – Sunday August 27
    Day 75 – Monday August 28
    Day 76 – Tuesday August 29
    Day 77 – Wednesday August 30
    Day 78 – Thursday August 31
    Day 79 – Friday September 01

    12th week goal weight:
    12th week actual weight:

    Day 80 – Saturday September 02
    Day 81 – Sunday September 03
    Day 82 – Monday September 04
    Day 83 – Tuesday September 05
    Day 84 – Wednesday September 06
    Day 85 – Thursday September 07
    Day 86 – Friday September 08

    13th week goal weight:
    13th week actual weight:

    Day 87 – Saturday September 09
    Day 88 – Sunday September 10
    Day 89 – Monday September 11
    Day 90 – Tuesday September 12
    Day 91 – Wednesday September 13
    Day 92 – Thursday September 14
    Day 93 – Friday September 15

    14th week goal weight:
    14th week actual weight:

    Day 94 – Saturday September 16
    Day 95 – Sunday September 17
    Day 96 – Monday September 18
    Day 97 – Tuesday September 19
    Day 98 – Wednesday September 20
    Day 99 – Thursday September 21
    Day 100 – Friday September 22
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,654 Member
    edited August 2023
    Finally catching up on all of your posts.
    I burned myself (forearm) on a steam table last night at work, so am off of work today. I was scheduled to work 45 days straight which would really have helped me out $$
    I am scheduled for 10:30am tomorrow, and 7:00am Sunday, but I think that there is too much heat with those jobs near my burned arm so have to take those off also.
    Strapping revolving ice packs on with hair scrunchies. Feels great while they are on.

    So, it took me an hour on this forum today. Mind you I had some catching up to do.
    Really trying to examine my time management.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,654 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hi everyone.
    I am Dawn. 5'2", 62 years old.
    My BMI and stuff like that shows my optimum healthy weight should be between 110 and 118.

    I have made a decision to limit restaurant food to 6 times per year since I seem to gain a few pounds each time which could take 3-6 months to get back off from one visit.
    Rolling total so far: 3 out of the 6

    1st week goal weight: 143.4 (ambitious?)
    1st week actual weight: 144.4

    2nd week goal weight: Less than the beginning of the week, 142.2
    2nd week actual weight: 142.6, so gained 0.4

    3rd week goal weight: 141.4
    3rd week actual weight: 144.6 - Started the week at 142.4, so 1.8 pound gain this week

    4th week goal weight: 143.6
    4th week actual weight: 145.0 - Started the week at 144.6

    5th week goal weight: 142.6
    5th week actual weight: 143.2

    6th week goal weight: 142.4
    6th week actual weight: 144.0

    7th week goal weight: 142.6
    7th week actual weight: 143.6

    Day 45 – Saturday July 29 - 144.8 - No surprise, I had restaurant (my restaurant) food. Calories were on point as was exercise, but we all know about restaurant food. I split beef samosas and chicken biryani with one of the other girls. Delicious. My vow to have restaurant food only 6 times per year sits at 3 out of the 6 now. Working a split shift again today and tomorrow, normal on Monday. I am booking off Tuesday and Wednesday completely, I will have worked 12 days straight over my 3 jobs. I will go to a lake for sure (100 degrees here too) and possibly even camp.
    Day 46 – Sunday July 30 - 146.2!! - That restaurant food aftermath!!!
    Day 47 – Monday July 31 - 145.0
    Day 48 – Tuesday August 01 - 144.4
    Day 49 – Wednesday August 02 - 145.6
    Day 50 – Thursday August 03 - 145.0
    Day 51 – Friday August 04 - 144.8 - Well, ended up at the same as the beginning of the week

    8th week goal weight:
    8th week actual weight: 144.8 - I kept track even though I wasn't posting on forums.

    Day 52 – Saturday August 05
    Day 53 – Sunday August 06
    Day 54 – Monday August 07
    Day 55 – Tuesday August 08
    Day 56 – Wednesday August 09
    Day 57 – Thursday August 10
    Day 58 – Friday August 11

    9th week goal weight:
    9th week actual weight:

    I have decided to do another 21 day mini challenge of the legs up and arm weight exercises. The pulsating in my legs when I put them up shows me how much I really need to drain them regularly. And the extra bonus that I went from 12.5" on my upper arm down to 11.75" and honestly feel like my batwings are less flappy. I will count from the day before since I often type into here before any activity for the day, while drinking my coffee in the morning.
    Anyone else going to join us for another 21?

    Mini 21 day Challenge Round 2 - legs in the air arm weights exercises, 6-ish minutes.
    Start weight of this 100: 144.4 - Up one pound from the start of the last 100 of 143.4, and the previous was 142.2

    Day 1, Monday July 17.23 - 6 minutes, skull crushers, chest presses, bicep curls. I realize that the days that I missed (and made up for with doubles or triples) were days when I worked 2 jobs and got home late famished. I had 5 water crackers with 2tbsp of hummus to delay hunger for 6 minutes and had dinner after doing my legs up. Using 11.75" arm measurement as the beginning measure from the last day of the previous 21.
    Day 2 - 6 minutes which has shown to be the sweet spot to get 3 arm weighted exercises in.
    Day 3 - 6.5 minutes, must have done them slower because I was out of time before I finished.
    Day 4 - 5.5 minutes - Did the same exercises, must have done them faster!
    Day 5 - 6.5 minutes - I am happy that I am continuing on with my newest habit of 5 black pepper water crackers with hummus when I get home from work to stave off hunger so that I can get these legs up sessions in without being insanely hungry.
    Day 6 - 6.25 minutes - It feels really good to do this!
    Day 7 - 6.5 minutes - How lovely it will be to firm up the arms. Dancing has changed my abs in a big way and loosened my joints each day, but this...is different.
    Day 8 - 7 minutes. Same 3 exercises, obviously some days I do them quicker or slower. I feel like I am doing myself a big favour while I am laying there with legs up. It makes me happy that I am taking a few minutes for myself.
    Day 9, Tuesday July 25 - 6.5 minutes of the usual, almost didn't get it in, it was close to midnight when I remembered. Pretty happy to have done it.
    Day 10 - 6.25 minutes. Actually didn't feel like doing it, but within the first minute it felt so great! Very glad that I pushed through and got it done. I really would like this to become a lifelong habit, I know that it is so good for me not only for throbbing knees and ankles, but also to tighten up those arms.
    Day 11 - 6.5 minutes. My one ankle looks so thin while my legs are up. The other is full of plates and pins so will always be thicker. Lol, of course when I stand up my bottom heavy self returns.
    Day 12 - 6.15 minutes. So lovely to do this, especially at the end of a long day.
    Day 13, July 29 - Kept this up even though I wasn't posting on forums, 5-7 minutes per day
    Day 14 - Did it
    Day 15 - Did it
    Day 16, August 01 - Did it
    Day 17 - Did it
    Day 18 - Did it. I think that I want to continue this, I love the feeling of the draining and the slight muscle burn

    Start weight of this 100: 144.4 - Up one pound from the start of the last 100 of 143.4, and the previous was 142.2
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,654 Member
    We take motivation anywhere we can get it. A trip to Cancun sounds like the perfect reason!! Lots of time to get to where you want to be for your bathing suit : - )

    You said:
    "I was under 1000 calories for the day yesterday, no exercise because of no time, a good elimination for TMI. "

    No exercise, but 1000 calories under? So you ate only 200-400 calories for the entire day? What is your normal calorie goal on MFP? MFP already takes into account breathing and stuff.
    I eat between 1,000 - 1,700 normally. My MFP goal is 1200.
  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,738 Member
    Hi again! I'm Jeanne. πŸ‘‹πŸ˜€
    I'm 47, 5' 4", live in Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

    1st week goal weight: ⬇️
    1st week actual weight: 167

    Day 1 Thursday June 15: 167
    Day 2 Friday June 16: 167
    Day 3 Saturday June 17: 165.7
    Day 4 Sunday June 18: 168
    Day 5 Monday June 19: 165.2
    Day 6 Tuesday June 20: 164.0
    Day 7 Wednesday June 21: 165.2

    2nd week goal weight: 165
    2nd week actual weight: 163.4

    Day 8 TH June 22: 163.4
    Day 9 FR June 23: 162.6
    Day 10 SA June 24: 162.5
    Day 11 SU June 25: 163.6
    Day 12 MO June 26: 163.4
    Day 13 TU June 27: 163.2
    Day 14 WE June 28: 165.2

    3rd week goal weight: 163.0
    3rd week actual weight: 163.8

    Day 15 TH June 29: 163.8
    Day 16 FR June 30: 162.6
    Day 17 SA July 1: 161.4
    Day 18 SU July 2: 163.0
    Day 19 MO July 3: 161.2
    Day 20 TU July 4: 163.2
    Day 21 WE July 5: 162.0

    4th week goal weight: 161
    4th week actual weight: 162.2

    Day 22 TH July 6: 162.2
    Day 23 FR July 7: 163.2
    Day 24 SA July 8: 161.8
    Day 25 SU July 9: 162.2
    Day 26 MO July 10: 160.8
    Day 27 TU July 11: 158.0
    Day 28 WE July 12: 157.8

    5th week goal weight: 158.0
    5th week actual weight: 159.4

    Day 29 TH July 13: 159.4
    Day 30 FR July 14: 159.6
    Day 31 SA July 15: 160.2
    Day 32 SU July 16: 162.6
    Day 33 MO July 17: 159.8
    Day 34 TU July 18: 161.0
    Day 35 WE July 19: 162.6

    6th week goal weight: 160
    6th week actual weight: 161.4

    Day 36. TH July 20: 161.4
    Day 37. FR July 21: 160.8
    Day 38. SA July 22: 165.0
    Day 39. SU July 23: 165.4
    Day 40. MO July 24: 163.2
    Day 41. TU July 25: 163.4
    Day 42. WE July 26: 163.8

    7th week goal weight: 160
    7th week actual weight: 163.8

    Day 43. TH July 27: 163.8
    Day 44. FR July 28: 164.2
    Day 45. SA July 29: 163.8
    Day 46. SU July 30: 163.0
    Day 47. MO July 31: 162.4
    Day 48. TU August 1: 163.2
    Day 49. WE August 2: 163.6

    8th week goal weight: 160
    8th week actual weight: 164.0

    Day 49. TH August 3: 164.0
    Day 50. FR August 4: 161.8

    * I need to learn how to do
    those Β« spoiler Β» so my posts
    aren’t that long!! 🀭