Hey! MFP helped me lose 200 lbs 👏🏽

ConfidenceCurrency Posts: 4 Member
edited June 2023 in Introduce Yourself

Hey there! I started using MyPlate 13 years ago to help me track my nutrition. I started my journey at 352lbs at the age of 23.

Through tracking my food, remaining in a calorie deficit and moving my body more, I was able to successfully lose 212 lbs. in just over 2.5 years.

That was 13 years ago and I’m still maintaining a healthy weight today ☺️.

I just want to encourage you all that it CAN be done. Stay consistent. Stay honest and refuse to quit. You’ll get there if you’ll address the MENTAL component of weight loss and not just the practical parts.

You can do it!

[edited by MFP Mods]