Advice for Personal Training

Miarlaurent Posts: 10 Member
Hi everyone!

I want to hear about your personal training experience!

The background: I recently made a big decision to jump careers and now studying to become a personal trainer! I’m SO excited for this new journey. I already have a job lined up in Aug to work at my local fitness club.

I have experience from my own fitness journey but this will obviously be very new to me. I was self taught and never used a trainer. I am super passionate and experienced / skilled when it comes to equipment, form, and routine. And of course will only be practicing with my NASM CPT certification. What I’m new to is the concept of teaching and working with clients.

What I’m needing: advice from anyone willing and open to share their stories! Whether you’ve worked with a personal trainer, what you liked and didn’t like about their approach. Or maybe if you’re a PT yourself? I’d love to hear it all!

TIA ❤️


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member

    advice.....................DO NOT HAVE PEOPLE DO YOUR TRAINING ROUTINE. It is very common for new trainers to teach what they know and are comfortable with. And their own training routine is familiar so they just carbon copy it and give it to their clients. Your assessment of each client will dictate WHAT kind of program you should put together for them to achieve their goals.
    Also, MAKE SURE to give them a written (I do mine through email) draft of what you trained them doing each session. Sets, reps, weight used, etc. So many trainers get lazy and don't do this and they always wonder why I do. I have 50 clients so it does take time out of my day or at home to do it, but if the expectation is for your client to just remember what they did to try it on their own (which should be the goal) from memory, you're doing them a disservice.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 40 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Miarlaurent
    Miarlaurent Posts: 10 Member
    Solid advice! Thanks so much 🔥