Hi Guys,

I have just completed the 30 day shred and thought id make a video on this and show some results, so please check it out:


Have you guys tried this shred? Did it work for you??

Im moving onto the 6 week six pack work out, which Jillian also does. Anyone doe this already?? Hope you find my video useful!



  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    congratulations you look fantastic
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I own all of Jillian's DVD's. Level 2 of 30 Day Shred and Level 2 of Six Week Six Pack are by far the toughest out there. Granted, I'm using 8 and 12 lb sets of weights for a lot of the moves but OMG!!! I'm like jello by the time it's done.

    Completely off topic, but your accent is adorable. :happy:
  • SJackson50
    SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
    Great job!
    Like RoadsterGirl, I own them all! I love 6W6P...it is very challenging and you will enjoy it. I rotated it with Ripped in 30 for a full body workout--each twice a week. (Ditto on the accent!)
    Again, great job and congrats!
  • socialdeee
    socialdeee Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks Guys!

    i really enjoyed 30 day shred but found it abit tedious towards the end.

    I did my first day on 6week6pack yesterday and now my abs are burning! Its deffo more intense, which i appreciate as I wwant something that makes me feel like im working out

    I think i may take your advice and rotate with another JM dvd!
  • Wow you look amazing! Congratulations on sticking with it :)