what have been your major eye-opening things you've learned?



  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    1. This doesn't have to be an uncomfortable experience. The only times I have been hungry were because I didn't plan my meals or snacks accordingly. Not because I am starving myself.

    2. The stuff I was drinking was bringing just as many extra calories as bad portion sizes.

    3. Being Fit is 80% nutrition. I've always been active and worked out, but continually did not lose fat. It wasn't until I started counting calories and wearing an HRM that I began to lose fat.

    4. You need an HRM and Food Scale.
  • brandythixton
    1. I learned that I'm not controlled by food, my appetite, or my hunger. I am more powerful than I ever imagined.
    2. I learned that I love certain exercises and that the things I have been doing up to this point are the things I hate the most.
    3. I learned that when I abstain from bad foods, I'm not depriving myself. I'm loving myself and putting myself first.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    Totally agree about 2 tbsp of dressing being alot!

    I have learned that I love fruits. I can't believe I would sometimes go a whole week with maybe eating 2 servings of fruit, in total, for that time.

    I have learned that my downfall is cheese, and by simply controlling the amount of it I eat, I have far better control over what i'm eating.

    I have learned that one does not have to deprive themselves of food to lose weight. I'm eating 1800-2000 + calories/day and losing consistently.

    I have learned that basically any dish in a restaurant is unhealthy, even if it sounds healthy. In turn, this makes me less excited about eating out, as I usually just get a very basic salad where I can be confident about the calories I am eating.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have learned that I ate out WAAAAYY too much. And even though i wouldn't order the supersize or large, that the medium or small are still horrible nutrition value wise.(280 cals for a small french fry.....CRAZY)

    I learned that support is key in to losing weight. I always had done it on my own before, but with mfp and by telling peiople i have been trying to eat healthy, the support is what keeps me going. (be careful because sometimes people dont' get it and will try to convince you to eat "jsut a little bit" of something even though you know you shouldn't)

    I learned that you eat your exercise calories, never in my life have i ever thought it was ok to do that. for some reason in my mind you wanted to burn almost everything you took in, which is NOT the case.
  • 623Hernandez
    623Hernandez Posts: 458
    1. I have learned that I need to log in all my calories in EVERY day, even if I go Way over! I need to see the numbers. I need to feel accountable.

    2. I have leaned that I need to measure out my food! This helps me feel in control and has shown me that serving sizes are a lot bigger than I thought they would be. Logging in calories is a lot easier when I know how much I am actually putting on my plate.

    3. I have learned that when I cook, rather than eating frozen meals, I can have more. I know when I eat frozen meals, when I am in a hurry or lazy, I am hungrier through out the day.

    4. I have learned that eating only 1200 calories is very, very hard!! VERY HARD!

    5. I have learned that I am hungry!!!! I need to cook more because these 10 oz. frozen meals just don’t cut it!! It is so hard being a full-time student, working, and trying to lose weight.

    6. I have learned that exercising allows me to eat more. I hate exercising but I really want it to be part of my life. I want to live longer and healthier.

    7. I have learned that being organized and prepared makes it eating well so much easier. I really, really need to pack lunch and snacks for school so I don’t eat fast food, or get so hungry at the end of the day that I eat a F@%K ton all at once.

    8. I have learned that I eat fast food when I am stressed out!!! Finals are rough.

    9. I have learned that I can't see that I have lost 20 pounds. The scale says so, so I am going to believe it and I am a pant size smaller.

    10. I have learned that I gain 4 pounds when TOM comes. I have all ways heard people say “I am bloated” but, I never noticed it for myself, till now.

    11. I have learned it helps me to write down goals for weight loss and exercise. I need to look at them over and over. When I accomplish them I feel great!

    12. I have learned that I LOVE MFP!! I love everyone on here, all the great info. people share, and the all the wonderful support! What a great community!

    13. I have learned that even though I have messed up on SEVERAL occasions, I don't want to give up!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i've learned to take chances with foods i never thought i would like only to find out i really do.

    i've learned that food is both a blessing and the most intimate act i perform (hopefully) every day.

    i've learned a mutual respect for food. if i should choose to eat something "unhealthy" i eat it in moderation (usually) and never feel guilty about it.

    i've learned that my body will respond accordingly to how i treat it.

    and i'm learning now how to listen to it more carefully. turns out it's a lot of quiet time and patience.