Motivation to lose last few lbs!

So after some time and consistancy, I've managed to lose a lot of weight I went from 173lbs to 123lbs in the past decade. Last year to now I went from 138lbs to 123lbs... my goal is 120... and I have no idea how I can get to that last bit... most of the weight loss was through diet alone with a bit of exercise here and there.
I've started to exercise more regularly and now the scales are starting to rise a little (I was 122lbs a couple of weeks ago, so nothing major!) But it's getting to me.... also I've got body dysmorphia so that's not helping too.... put it into context I'm 5ft and now 123lbs so a healthy weight I guess.

Any tips with how I can lose that little bit left?!


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,204 Member
    First off, congrats! That's a great accomplishment.

    Secondly: any reason for that particular number you're aimng for? You've increased exercise, which is more than likely causing some water retention. You don't say which kind of exercise you're doing, but resistance training is particularly notorious for that.
    So perhaps focus on your body measurements and/or how your clothes for on the scale, to gauge your progress?

    You've done great, don't let the number on the scale derail you, it doesn't tell the full story 🙂
  • SOIJ20
    SOIJ20 Posts: 30 Member
    Should of been more specific ha, yeah its more with dumbell for weights, jump rope for cardio and exercises for core. It felt like I was doing so well and then I start that and the weight started creeping up. I haven't changed any of my eating habits too, thats been the same while ive been losing weight, so im not overeating and i know that.

    I know I shouldn't listen to BMI's as much, but for me that's why I have that aim of hitting 120 as that would be the ideal BMI for my height.

    I haven't done any measurements for a long time so that's actually a good idea to start jotting them down. And I know I need a change of wardrobe. A lot of what I have is when I was much bigger so nothing fits as much.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,204 Member
    Well, you say you haven't changed your diet, so logic dictates is just water retention from the exercise (and possible muscle mass, depending on how long you've been doing weights) 🙂

    Some form fitting non stretch clothing can be useful, if measuring is tricky (I am always unsure if I'm measuring in precisely the same way each time)

    BMI gives a range, but everyone is different: depending on bone structure, muscle mass,... one person's ideal weight will be on the lower end of the normal BMI range, for others the top end (or even above it, in case of a lot of muscle mass). BMI was never meant to give an individual an ideal weight, it was meant for risk assessment on a population basis.
  • SOIJ20
    SOIJ20 Posts: 30 Member
    Yeah I've only really started the past week... so should I just persist? And then hope that water weight just goes away haha. It can be a bit deflating as it feels like I'm doing the opposite of what I want!
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,204 Member
    Only one week? Oh, definitely persist 🙂 I'd give it a month/menstrual cycle at least!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,584 Member
    SOIJ20 wrote: »
    Yeah I've only really started the past week... so should I just persist? And then hope that water weight just goes away haha. It can be a bit deflating as it feels like I'm doing the opposite of what I want!

    Endorsing what Lietchi said.

    My personal routine involves usually doing some strength training in my sport's off-season, but not doing any in season. Every time I start strength training after a long break, I predictably gain a few pounds of water weight and hang onto them until I stop training regularly/progressively.

    If I'm losing fat during that period, that looks like a scale-weight increase (not explained by calorie balance), until the gradual fat loss stops playing peek-a-boo on the scale with the water weight. At that point, the scale starts dropping again as I'd expect based on my personal calorie-counting history.

    When I stop weight training again for a longer break, I'll see those few pounds drop off, also not explained by anything in my calorie balance.

    Give it a few weeks (whole menstrual cycle), at least. It's likely everything is fine.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    SOIJ20 wrote: »
    So after some time and consistancy, I've managed to lose a lot of weight I went from 173lbs to 123lbs in the past decade. Last year to now I went from 138lbs to 123lbs... my goal is 120... and I have no idea how I can get to that last bit... most of the weight loss was through diet alone with a bit of exercise here and there.
    I've started to exercise more regularly and now the scales are starting to rise a little (I was 122lbs a couple of weeks ago, so nothing major!) But it's getting to me.... also I've got body dysmorphia so that's not helping too.... put it into context I'm 5ft and now 123lbs so a healthy weight I guess.

    Any tips with how I can lose that little bit left?!

    Congrats on the 50 pound loss!

    Because you mention body dysmorphia, I recommend this episode from the Half Size Me podcast:

    It features a woman who wants to lose the last few pounds after a large weight loss.

    It's an old episode, and is going to disappear for people listening for free soon, so if you are interested, do listen ASAP.

    I like this podcast when I'm gardening or walking.