Starting Journey

fink51 Posts: 2 Member
I just completed my 3rd physical therapy workout. I am so out shape and my leg muscles need strengthening and stretching. Now MyFitness wants me to walk 4500.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,359 Member
    Where does MFP give you a walking goal? Is it a goal that you personally don't want to achieve, or that you think isn't realistic right now?

    I mean, if you think that 4500 is a good idea, and that it's achievable and practical for you, that's great. Getting a certain amount of walking in is a healthful thing for the average person.

    But you don't need to do something like that just because an app tells you to, especially if you're not an average person in some way.

    Speaking for myself, I don't get huge volumes of step-based activity, because my knees started having issues several decades ago. Don't get me wrong, I think exercise is important, enjoyable and useful, so I do a good bit of it. But because I have a not-average condition, I don't feel bound by the recommendations for average people, if you know what I mean. I choose exercise that works well for me, keeps my health heading in a positive direction without causing any major issues with pre-existing conditions. So I don't pursue ultra-thousands of daily steps. I just do what walking comes with my lifestyle, to tolerance (pain/damage-wise), and try to walk enough that I stay conditioned to the amounts I like to be able to do in daily life.

    If the walking goal isn't right for you now, don't worry about that. If you're doing physical therapy for legs and that's a challenge, keep working at that. As that creates success for you, perhaps you can set some stretch goals to do more. But gradually and carefully progressing toward those "best for average people" goals is fine, if starting from a not-average beginning point . . . and if it's never possible because of unimprovable disabilities, there's no need to feel bad about that.

    Best wishes!

  • hoarc1987
    hoarc1987 Posts: 52 Member
    Hey! That negativity isn’t helping your progress, and you e made some already by starting and posting! What would it take for you to keep going to the PT? Have you taken any notes from the sessions?