New mama to MyFitnessPal

Hello, I’m Myesha. I am working on losing the weight from all 3 of my pregnancies. On May 23rd I decided enough was enough. Before my first pregnancy I was 121lbs back in 2017. 2018, 2020, and 2022 I had babies. As of May 23rd I was 297lbs, the heaviest I have ever been. I have had awesome luck in the past with intermittent fasting, Pilates, walking/running. I am on day 25 of intermittent fasting, I fell off of working out but I did do a 2 mile walk this morning. I plan to lose a total of 40lbs by the end of August. I have lost 12 so far. My ultimate goal is to be between 150-160. My goal may change once I get there but for now that’s good enough! I decided to try MyFitnessPal as I have been stagnant at 285 for about a week now due to eating unhealthy and lack of exercise. Today is day 2 of using the app. I am having trouble getting enough carbs in so I’ll definitely need to go to the grocery store!


  • cyn_love
    cyn_love Posts: 94 Member
    welcome! I'm at a similar weight with similar goals. Although, I never have been thin. I've been back on track for a couple days now. We've got this!
  • LindakCarlisle1973
    LindakCarlisle1973 Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2023
    I am at 196, and just started back on Low carb + intermittent fasting. In the past (pre COVID and a lot of stress), I got to my correct BMI, then decided I could safely transition back to eating ‘normal’. You know the drill, it all came back. Low carb has to be my new normal. Otherwise my body stores fat. I found it helpful to read the obesity code, because it helped me stay focused on my body chemistry and why what was working actually worked.

    It’s a marathon not a sprint- hope to stay in support for our respective journeys!