Can someone give me a good diet and exercise routine

I need some "fit"people to give me advice on your daily routines . basicly just at what time do you workout and at what times do you eat . What do you do in your workout . Im 162 lbs 5'10 and 15 percent body fat .. please be specific in your details pleez


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I need some "fit"people to give me advice on your daily routines . How much exercise , how many times a day how many calories , how many meals , and at what times etc .. please be specific in all your details pleez help

    Calorie deficit for weight loss.
    Exercise for fitness.
    Meal timing is personal preference.
    Calorie needs are specific to the person.

    If you want more information, you may want to provide more information about yourself.
  • prdavies1949
    prdavies1949 Posts: 326 Member
    I need some "fit"people to give me advice on your daily routines . How much exercise , how many times a day how many calories , how many meals , and at what times etc .. please be specific in all your details pleez help

    Calorie deficit for weight loss.
    Exercise for fitness.
    Meal timing is personal preference.
    Calorie needs are specific to the person.

    If you want more information, you may want to provide more information about yourself.

  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    think he's looking for something more specific without having to do all the research himself.
    eat three or four meals a day. eat lean meat, lots of veges, wholegrain carbs, non processed foods. Don't eat takeaways, cakes, fries, chips, chocolate bars, soda drinks.
    try to exercise most days. find a sport you love. weight train 2-3 x a week and eat protein and carbs (like a banana and protein shake ) straight after. do moderate cardio the other days. walk alot and enjoy outside.
    just fit the exercise into your routine around work and stuff.
    measure your results and if its not working after a month tweak it.
  • Do the Fast Diet - Google it. I did it for three weeks and lost 7lbs. I then went to Spain for a week (eating and drinking), had a week at home not doing it ( I had an Indian takeout Friday and a Chinese Saturday, plus alcohol, cakes, crisps etc) and I've not put any weight back on. Started the Fast Diet again today. It really works!!!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Do the Fast Diet - Google it. I did it for three weeks and lost 7lbs. I then went to Spain for a week (eating and drinking), had a week at home not doing it ( I had an Indian takeout Friday and a Chinese Saturday, plus alcohol, cakes, crisps etc) and I've not put any weight back on. Started the Fast Diet again today. It really works!!!

    No. Just no.

    Eat food. It's about moderation not deprivation.
    Find something you love doing and keep doing it.

    No one can give you a specific plan. You have to figure that out and what works for you.


    Calorie deficit for weight loss.
    Exercise for fitness.
    Meal timing is personal preference.
    Calorie needs are specific to the person.

  • 15 percent body fat? That sounds very lean and healthy! Depends on your goals - do you want to build strength and look toned? Or want to run long distances? Just be an all around athlete?
  • Don't knock the Fast Diet. Buy the book and read all about it. It's got major health benefits. Although you limit your calorie intake two days per week, you can be really clever and actually eat quite a lot of food.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Don't knock the Fast Diet. Buy the book and read all about it. It's got major health benefits. Although you limit your calorie intake two days per week, you can be really clever and actually eat quite a lot of food.

    Why limit your intake 2 days a week? I eat a lot of food AND I am losing weight.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    think he's looking for something more specific without having to do all the research himself.
    eat three or four meals a day. eat lean meat, lots of veges, wholegrain carbs, non processed foods. Don't eat takeaways, cakes, fries, chips, chocolate bars, soda drinks.
    try to exercise most days. find a sport you love. weight train 2-3 x a week and eat protein and carbs (like a banana and protein shake ) straight after. do moderate cardio the other days. walk alot and enjoy outside.
    just fit the exercise into your routine around work and stuff.
    measure your results and if its not working after a month tweak it.

    You do not have to eat 3 or 4 meals a day. (meal timing is personal preference)
    You do not have to eliminate takeaways, cakes, fries, chips etc. (a calorie deficit is all that is needed for weight loss and there is no reason to eliminate items you enjoy, unless there is a medical condition.)

    ETA: People are still going to need more information from the OP.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Don't knock the Fast Diet. Buy the book and read all about it. It's got major health benefits. Although you limit your calorie intake two days per week, you can be really clever and actually eat quite a lot of food.

    Why limit your intake 2 days a week? I eat a lot of food AND I am losing weight.

    Some people do a 5:2 approach, also known as IF.
  • Aparz1
    Aparz1 Posts: 949
    I recommend finding a fitness professional you trust and paying then for a plan.... I did and its been great but I would feel lost asking this crowd... So many competing opinions
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    All you need for weight loss is calorie deficit. Set up MFP correctly (choose your actual activity level and set yourself to lose 1 lb per week unless you're 50 pounds or more overweight) and eat back half of your exercise calories.

    Macros/exercise for body composition. Aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass and .35 grams of fat per pound of body weight. The rest can be carbs. Personally I do flexible dieting so I'm not cutting out any foods. I just try to spend 80% of my calories on whole nutrient-dense foods and that leaves 20% for discretionary calories.

    I'd recommend a compound lifting routine with built-in progressive loading. I started with Stronglifts and now I'm on to a variation on Wendler's 5/3/1.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Don't knock the Fast Diet. Buy the book and read all about it. It's got major health benefits. Although you limit your calorie intake two days per week, you can be really clever and actually eat quite a lot of food.

    Why limit your intake 2 days a week? I eat a lot of food AND I am losing weight.

    The idea is that you eat at maintenance 5 days per week and then you have a severe deficit 2 days. It should balance out to a moderate deficit over the course of the week. It's not for me but many people swear by it.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member -Flexible dieting, eat what you want in moderation, as long as it's in a caloric deficit you'll lose.. Exercise wise, you can find many routines on
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    Do the Fast Diet - Google it. I did it for three weeks and lost 7lbs. I then went to Spain for a week (eating and drinking), had a week at home not doing it ( I had an Indian takeout Friday and a Chinese Saturday, plus alcohol, cakes, crisps etc) and I've not put any weight back on. Started the Fast Diet again today. It really works!!!

    No. Just no.

    Eat food. It's about moderation not deprivation.
    Find something you love doing and keep doing it.

    No one can give you a specific plan. You have to figure that out and what works for you.


    Calorie deficit for weight loss.
    Exercise for fitness.
    Meal timing is personal preference.
    Calorie needs are specific to the person.

    The fast diet works for me. It's about moderation, not deprivation.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Do the Fast Diet - Google it. I did it for three weeks and lost 7lbs. I then went to Spain for a week (eating and drinking), had a week at home not doing it ( I had an Indian takeout Friday and a Chinese Saturday, plus alcohol, cakes, crisps etc) and I've not put any weight back on. Started the Fast Diet again today. It really works!!!

  • It's certain the quickest and most effective thing that I have ever done. I am actually a very healthy eater (my downfalls are chocolate and wine) but wasn't losing weight anymore. The fast days are quite easy to do - I'm really just cutting out carbs, bumping up my vegetables, eating lots of prawns and not having chocolate/ wine two days a week. The other five days, I can eat what I want, but I don't actually feel that hungry.
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    It's certain the quickest and most effective thing that I have ever done. I am actually a very healthy eater (my downfalls are chocolate and wine) but wasn't losing weight anymore. The fast days are quite easy to do - I'm really just cutting out carbs, bumping up my vegetables, eating lots of prawns and not having chocolate/ wine two days a week. The other five days, I can eat what I want, but I don't actually feel that hungry.

    Would not work for me, but to each his own.

    I would rather eat what I want, within moderation, every day rather than having a "fast day". It's the only way I have been able to avoid binges.