Be kind - Reset your mind 💜

Neil7905 Posts: 277 Member
During the pandemic, I lost 16kg, I had so much focus. Losing weight and eating healthy was easy. Not because I'm a superior being to anybody else. I was lucky enough to be in that kind set.

Returning to work was the biggest upset to my routine. Over a year, I had gained the weight I lost and with this, that uncomfortable feeling of self worth.

Thank fully, I've recently returned to my previous mind set and am slowly losing weight 9kg in the past 4 weeks. I've been cutting out all the comfort snacking but also trying to maintain the thought of not dieting.
I'm slowly experimenting with all the fatty foods and alcohol, to see what effects it has on my body.
This way, I can look to change my eating lifestyle without the thought of dieting, which as we all know, is only a temporary solution.
If you're not already asleep reading this, please friend me, I'm always happy to answer any questions. I'd love to be able to help anybody and also gain knowledge from your experience.