Farrell's Extreme Body Shaping?

I'm not new to this site, but I've been off the wagon for a very long time. Since I'm having trouble getting back on a program on my own I decided I needed a kick in the butt, so I signed up for Farrell's 10 week class. I'm excited but now I'm freaking out! I am so out of shape right now and have 60+ pounds to lose. I am very intimidated about going alone and not knowing what to expect. If anybody has done this and has any advice I would love to hear it!!


  • MyLovesMyLife
    MyLovesMyLife Posts: 424 Member
    good luck! they have one here but i would never go some place. hope it motivates you!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Not done that particular class but I do know about being unfit and freaking out about a new class. Circuits, boxing circuits, weights, zumba, Salsacise all of them freaked me out to start with. I felt like an uncoordinated elephant.

    However I have found that the first class kills you and you vow never to return, the second class almost kills you and you don't believe you will ever keep up with the others, if you go back for the third one you start thinking, well this is really hard but I can do it. So just keep going no matter what.

    Don't let anything stop you trying. You will be so pleased with yourself at the end of the course.

    Good luck :drinker:

    Don't worry about going alone. Just smile and be friendly and you will soon find you fit right in.
  • LivinLarge44
    LivinLarge44 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been going to FXB for quite some time now & I like it a lot. The classes push you a lot more than any self-motivated workout at the gym or at home. Everybody is timid to go at first, but if you go to the same class time everyday, you'll meet new people in the same boat as you are. You'll be sore for the first couple weeks, but that'll go away. You'll start feeling more energy throughout the day and you'll sleep better at night too.

    My advice : I think 90% of it is diet. Follow the diet they tell you about and pretty much eliminate any beverage except water (for the most part). Eat right, show up to class and you'll see results quick!