glad to be rid of that vicious circle BUT....

A few weeks ago i think this is the third now i posted a topic about this really bad cycle that i had got into not eating enough and then eating so much it didnt make sense....
3 weeks later and ive not binged once, ive reguraly eaten 1200 calories and regardless of wether its clean eating or just junk if ive wanted it ive put it into my diary and not gone over.
Im so glad i have done this and its really changed the way i think about food, socialising etc.
I eat back my exercise calories when before i didnt the more i exercised the less i ate and thought i was doing well, i ignored deep down those hunger pains and how crappy i felt.

Now for the BUT.......I feel like i wont lose weight, I feel my metabolisms gone haywire and i constantly think im putting on weight, i dont weigh myself as it makes things worse and all these things im only assuming because i feel great knowing i get to actually eat and lose weight but at the same time im thinking this is going to go wrong and i will gain without even thinking about it, anybody else been in a situation where they increased calories or been in the same boat but were ok???


  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Sorta....I started a LCHF diet for medical reasons and it literally flies in the face of all that I knew, was told and even the majority of vocal & aggressive posters on MFP. Because of this, I've had moments when I thought 'omygod, wth am I doing?'...I let certain things get into my head and the insecurities started creeping in.

    Unfortunately & fortunately at the same time, I have a glucometer & cold hard numbers to live by now & this is what eventually got me through. This lifestyle suits my blood sugars well & I've been able to stay in the 'normal' range of blood sugars as compared to the full blown diabetic range when I was eating 'healthy whole grains'.

    To this end, I stopped counting calories because I eat till satisfied and the combination of controlled BG's & high fat, mod protein, it's impossible for me to overeat. When I'm full, food turns me off. The feeling of full also comes from my head and not my tummy, it's hard to explain :laugh:

    My point is, that even though everything I'd been taught all my life about diet (I'm 45) is the EXACT opposite of what I needed to do. I had to let my results do the talking & quiet the inner monologue that used to try to creep in to shut me down :blushing:

    I don't weigh anymore either....I keep increasing in my lifts, my size is decreasing and then of course there is the 23# weight loss. I feel better than I have in years too.

    Try it for a while, and if it works, continue....if not, just change directions :wink: This is basically my philosophy now