Morning session

Hey all

Hope you are having a lovely day.

Just to share I attempted a new chest session this morning and found it to be productive.

X3 sets of 12- using seated Flys Machine (210 weight) 2 mins recovery in between sets

X4 sets of 15 cable machine flys kneeling. 120 each side - 3 mins recovery between sets

X3 sets of 10 - bench press - 140 bar lift. 4 mins recovery between sets

X3 sets of 12 - bench Flys - 24kgs dumbbells - 2 mins rest between sets

Finished with x4 sets (standing) cable machine Fly pulls for lower chest. 45kgs each side

felt great and will progress this as I go. 😊πŸ’ͺ





  • dentalhyGENIUS14
    dentalhyGENIUS14 Posts: 22 Member
    Stuart. Idk what most of that means but I just needed to tell you that’s amazing! and awesome tattoos! 😎 πŸ’ͺ