

  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,887 Member
    @SModa61 Yes, Hyland’s Leg Cramps!! I have the PM version by the bed and the others in the kitchen. Some people think homeopathic “meds” are bunk but these really do work.

    Yes! They do work. As a writer of murder mysteries, I get a kick out of reading the label—a litany of highly toxic ingredients, but in minuscule amounts. I wonder how many bottles it would take….nevermind! 😇

    @SheilaBoneham Will it become your next murder weapon?
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,944 Member
    @SModa61 The PM version is sublingual and dissolves AND helps instantly. (Just in case I didn’t say that earlier!)
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,944 Member
    edited July 2023

    July 8: 224.4
    Had 2 glasses of wine last night and there we are...back to where I started...I hate this game

    Marlene, wine has sugar and I react to that. I made it a habit to drink a big glass of water after each glass of wine.

    @SModa61 Yes, Hyland’s Leg Cramps!! I have the PM version by the bed and the others in the kitchen. Some people think homeopathic “meds” are bunk but these really do work.

    Yes! They do work. As a writer of murder mysteries, I get a kick out of reading the label—a litany of highly toxic ingredients, but in minuscule amounts. I wonder how many bottles it would take….nevermind! 😇

    Sheila, I LOL’d at your remark. When is your next mystery coming out?
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,191 Member
    @deepwoodslady, Donna, I took 1 magnesium capsule last night. No cramping, but I did not sleep as deeply as with two. I'll continue on three more days taking 1 capsule. I'll let you know what happened during my 4 day experiment on Wednesday.

    @tiabirdie56 Okay Thanks! I'm trying to gauge how much to order at a time and this info will help!
  • felicityb2026
    felicityb2026 Posts: 71 Member
    37F 5ft 7 SW 67.5kg round 225
    GW 60kg CW 67.1kg round 228
    1 July 67.1kg 33% body fat
    2 July dnw
    3 July dnw
    4 July dnw
    5 July 66.8kg 31.9%
    6 July 66.7kg 32.1%
    7 July 65.8kg 32.8%
    8 July 65.5kg 31.8%
    9 July 65.2kg 33.2%
    Very happy to see that I have truly recovered from that week or two of illness, not tracking, not exercising and some bad snacking. I'm still working out how the body fat percentage works - bf is up but weight is down? But I guess an overall average decrease is what you want. Something else I am taking note of is the effects of the type of exercise I do. The last 3 days I did 1 cardio and 2 metcon (metabolic conditioning) and they're only short workouts but fairly intensense and full body, combining strength and cardio. I'm wondering if the internet is correct in saying metcon is really effective for for weight loss 🤔
  • jspecies11
    jspecies11 Posts: 1,045 Member
    Round 228
    SW: 135.0# end of Round 227
    RGW: 134.5#
    Plan: log daily, plant based nutrition, strength training 3x/week, hydrate

    Day, Weight, Comment
    7/01 134.8#
    7/02 135.4#
    7/03 136.3#
    7/04 135.2#
    7/05 134.8#
    7/06 134.2#
    7/07 134.8#
    7/08 134.4#
  • gomifune
    gomifune Posts: 446 Member
    Highest weight: 206
    Goal weight: 146
    Round 212 end weight: 200.7
    Round 224 end weight: 177.7
    Round 225 vacation☀️
    Round 226 vacation☀️
    Round 227 vacation☀️
    June end weight: 177.6

    7/1 176.3
    7/2 177.0
    7/3 176.2
    7/4 176.7
    7/5 174.8
    7/6 176.1
    7/7 176.1
    7/8 176.0
    7/9 176.1
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,387 Member
    65 yr young F, 5ft 4 Round 228 (my 159th). Thank you @quiltingjaine for the new round.
    Goal this round is yet again the same as last; to get back under and stay under 139. Holiday to Menorca is in 72 days, if I don’t crack on I’ll be needing to purchase a bigger size in holiday clothes and I do not want to do that. So, 72 days, 7 rounds at a pound per round should easily get me to where I want to be, only I can do it, I’ve done it before so I can do it again if I knuckle down otherwise before I know it I be up in the 150’s. Cuz that’s how weight just keeps creeping up on one !!! Really try to stay on track. After all I am what I eat in more ways than one, my whole demeanour is totally different when I am happy with myself!!
    Achieved goal weigh of 125lb in summer 2016 by losing 66lb and then gradually gained between 7 and 11 since then & didn't want to gain any more, it’s taken me 75 rounds to achieve my under 130 target; back to maintenance!! But then I crept up again, so need to get back to around 134. A healthy lifestyle must be a permanent way of life.
    End of round 69 134.2 lbs
    End of round 70 133.6
    End of round 71 132.4
    End of round 72 133.2
    End of round 73 132.8
    End of round 74 132
    End of round 75 131.4
    End of round 76 130.2
    End of round 77 132.4
    End of round 78 134.4
    End of round 79 132
    End of round 80 133.6
    End of round 81 133.8
    End of round 82 132.4
    End of round 83 133.4
    End of round 84 133
    End of round 85 131.6
    End of round 86 133.0
    End of round 87 134.8
    End of round 88 132.8 (2 pounds lost)
    End of round 89 138.2 (5.4 pounds gained)
    End of round 90 135 (3.2 pounds down)
    End of round 91 132.8 (2.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 92 133 (0.2 pound up from end of last round)
    End of round 93 135.6 (2.6 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 94 135.8 (0.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 95 134.4 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 96 134.4 (no loss no gain!!)
    End of round 97 135 (0.6 up from end of last round)
    End of round 98 133.4 (1.6 down from end of last round)
    End of round 99 134.4 (1 up from end of last; not bad for Christmas period!)
    End of round 100 133.4 (1 down from end of last round)
    End of round 101 137.2 (3.8 pounds up)
    End of round 102 136 (1.2 pounds down from last round – not bad considering Dad unexpectedly passed away 3 days before end of round & I went totally off plan & no walking!)
    End of round 103 – 133.4 (2.6 pounds down from last round – better!)
    End of round 104 – 135 (0.6 up from end of last round)
    End of round 105 – 133.6 (1.4 down from end of last round)
    End of round 106 – 133.6 (same as last round)
    End of round 107 – 134.8 (1.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 108 – 134.2 (0.6 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 109 – 135.6 (1.4 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 110 – 133.2 (2.4 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 111 – 133.2 (same as last round)
    End of round 112 – 133.6 (increase of 0.4)
    End of round 113 – 132.8 (0.8 down from end of last round)
    End of round 114 – 136 (3.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 115 – 134.8 (1.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 116 – 133.4 (1.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 117 – 135.4 (2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 118 – 136 (1.6 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 119 – 133.4 (2.6 pounds down)
    End of round 120 – 135.4 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 121 – 135.2 (0.2 pounds down)
    End of round 122 – 133.2 (1.8 pounds down)
    End of round 123 – 132.4 (0.8 pounds down)
    End of round 124 - 134.8 (2.4 pounds up)
    End of round 125 - 135 (0.2 pounds up) – get a grip!!!
    End of round 126 - 135 - same as last round
    End of round 127 - 133.8 (1.2 pounds down
    End of round 128 - 133.4 (0.4 pound down)
    End of round 129 - 134.2 (0.8 up)
    End of round 130 - 133 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 131 - 133.6 (0.6 up)
    End of round 132 – 134 (0.4 up)
    End of round 133 – 134 .4 (0.4 up)
    End of round 134 – 132.2 (2.2 pounds down) see what not binging can do!!
    End of round 135 – 131.8 (0.4 down)
    End of round 136 – 132.8 (1 pound up – happy for Christmas period, lower than at this time for many years!)
    End of round 137 – 134 (1.2 pound up ugh!!)
    End of round 138 - 131.2 (2.8 pounds down)
    End of round 139 – 130.2 (1 pound down)
    End of round 140 – 132.4 (2.2 pounds up)
    End of round 141 – 131 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 142 – 129.8 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 143 – 130.8 (1 pound up)
    End of round 144 – 130.2 (0.6 pounds down)
    End of round 145 – 132 (1.8 pounds up)
    End of round 146 – 133.8 (1.8 pounds up – again!!)
    End of round 147 – 133.2 (0.6 down)
    End of round 148 – 132.4 (0.8 pounds down)
    End of round 149 – 132.4
    End of round 150 – 133.8 (1.4 pounds up)
    End of round 151 – 135.8 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 152 – 134 (1.8 pounds down)
    End of round 153 – 135.4 (1.4 pound up)
    End of round 154 – 132.2 (3.2 pounds down)
    End of round 155 - 133.6 (1.4 pounds up)
    End of round 156 - 134 (0.4 pounds up)
    End of round 157 - 133.6 (0.4 pounds down)
    End of round 158 – 135.4 (1.8 pounds up)
    End of round 159 – 134.4 (1 pound down)
    End of round 160 – 135.2 (0.8 up)
    End of round 161 – 134.2 (1 pound down)
    End of round 162 – 133.6 (0.6 down)
    End of round 163 – 136.2 (2.6 up)
    End of round 164 – 136 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 165 – 135.8 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 166 – 136 (0.2 pound up)
    End of round 167 – 138 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 168 – 135 (3 pounds down)
    End of round 169 – 134.4 (0.6 pound down)
    End of round 170 – 133 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 171 – 135.4 (2.4 up)
    End of round 172 – 135.6 (0.2 up)
    End of round 173 – 137.6 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 174 – 135.2 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 175 – 138 (2.8 pounds up)
    End of round 176 – did not complete (away on family holiday)
    End of round 177 – 138
    End or round 178 – 137.8 (0.2 down)
    End of round 179 – 139.4 (1.6 pounds up)
    End of round 180 – 137 (2.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 181 – 139.2 (2.2 pounds up)
    End of round 182 – 135.6 (3.6 pounds down)
    End of round 183 – 138.2 (2.4 up)
    End of round 184 - 136 (2.2 pounds down)
    End of round 185 – 136.4 (0.4 gain)
    End of round 186 – 136.4 (same)
    End of round 187 – 138.4 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 188 – DNW (away for Queen's platinum jubilee celebrations)
    End of round 189 – 139.2
    End of round 190 – 139.8
    End of round 191 – 139.8
    End of round 192 – 138.8 (1 pound lost)
    End of round 193 – 138.2 (0.6 lost)
    End of round 194 – 136.4 (1.8 lost)
    End of round 195 – 139.2 (2.8 pounds up)
    End of round 196 – 138 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 197 – 138.2 (0.2 up)
    End of round 198 – DNW (on holiday in Crete)
    End of round 199 – DNW (on holiday in Crete)
    End of round 200 – 138.8 (2.6 pounds lost)
    End of round 201 – 138.2 (0.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 202 – 137.8 (0.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 203 – 137.6 (loss of 0.2)
    End of round 204 – 135.8 (1.8 pounds lost)
    End of round 205 – 135.6(0.6 pound lost)
    End of round 206 – 135.4 (0.2 pound lost)
    End of round 207 – 136.4 (1 pound gain) (Caravan Christmas Party Rally)
    End of round 208 - 137.2 (0.8 pound gain)
    End of round 209 - 137.4 (0.2 pound gain) (Christmas period)
    End of round 210 – DNW (Lanzarote holiday)
    End of round 211 – 138.2
    End of round 212 – 139.8
    End of round 213 – 139
    End of round 214 – 138.2 (1.2 pounds loss)
    End of round 215 – 139.2 (1 pound up)
    End of round 216 – 136.6 (2.6 pounds lost)
    End of round 217 – 137.8 (1.2 pounds up)
    End of round 218 – 140.4 (2.6 pounds up – need to reverse this trend!)
    End of round 219 – 139.8 (0.6 down)
    End of round 220 – DNW
    End of round 221 – 140.8 (1 pound up)
    End of round 222 – 139.8 (1 pound down)
    End of round 223 – 140 (0.2 pound up)
    End of round 224 – 139.2 (0.8 pound down)
    End of round 225 – 139.4 (0.2 pound up)
    End of round 226 – 141 (1.6 pound up)
    End of round 227 – 139.8 (1.2 pound down)

    SW RND 228 139.2
    7/1 139.2 – 5.8 miles walked, calories 247, carbs 50g & fat 17g over. We travelled down to St. Neots in Cambridgeshire for a 5 day break (brought scales with me !!) had cheese & crackers for lunch, with small glass port – mmmm. But restricted portion.
    7/2 138.8 – 14.73 miles walked, 1 third of exercise calories eaten back.
    7/3 139 – 7.38 miles walked. We were at an airshow at Shuttleworth, so the miles were done in 5 short walks; the woodland walk, round the gardens, up to the house & then back and also an evening walk back at the campsite after tea. All exercise calories eaten back.
    7/4 139 – 9.85 miles walked mostly around the ground of Wrest Park, beautiful English Heritage property. 80% exercise calories eaten back.
    7/5 140.4 – that’s what pizza does! 10.13 miles walked, all calories eaten back.

    7/6 140.4 – 11.68 miles walked, 40% exercise calories eaten back.
    7/7 140.4 – no structured walking, childminding little DGS, all exercise calories eaten back.
    7/8. DNW - came away in the caravan for the weekend to a steam rally, forgot to put the scales in! But, 10.24 miles walked yesterday and only 15% exercise calories eaten back. Determined to stay strong today, all that cider will be calling me, only had half a can last night and a taste is enough!
    7/9 DNW- will be home tomorrow for final day weigh in.4.81 meandering miles clocked up whilst viewing all the exhibits at the show, was so tired at the end of the day; slow walking and standing tired me out more than a shorter period at fast pace!! 172 calories over.

    👍👍This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE & I AM WHAT I EAT!!!!![
  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 696 Member
    5'1", female, 52 years old.
    SW: 190.0 CW: 190.0
    R228 (my 1st)
    RGW: 187.0
    FGW: 160
    UGW: 120

    R228 Goals:
    1. Track food daily
    2. Strength training 3X
    3. Steps: 80,000
    4. Floors: 80
    5. Zone Minutes: 450
    6. Water: 82oz Daily

    Day, Weight, Comment

    7/1 - 189.6
    7/2 - 189.4
    7/3 - 190.4
    7/4 - 191.6
    7/5 - 190.4
    7/6 - 189.8
    7/7 - 190.0
    7/8 - 187.4 - Took Farley for a walk, we didn’t go as far because he was puling too much. Hubby's friend came over last night to play pool. I spent my evening watching Grey's. I started watching this a while ago on Netflix and only have 3 seasons left. My step count was not good but it was a stress free day. 6,985 Steps (28,014 left), 1 Floor (54 left), 36 Zone Minutes (166 Left).
    7/9 - 188.4
    7/10 -
    Previous Day's Comments
    7/1 - 189.6 - tracked food, Strength training - rest day, 8,488 steps (71,512 left), 9 Floors done ( 71 left), 59 Zone Minutes ( 391 left). 56oz water, under goal. Over all it was a good day. Got out for a 45 minute walk/run with Fraley.
    7/2 - 189.4 - bad day. Didn't track, didn't wear Fitbit most of the day 1,894 steps (69,618 left) 1 Floor (70 left), 5 Zone Minutes (386 left). Water not tracked. Smoke and bad air quality was back.. Spent the day baking donuts and watching TV, not great.
    7/3 - 190.4- good day, didn’t track my food that well . Strength training completed, 6,902 steps (62,716 left), 5 Floors (65 left), 31 Zone Minutes (355 left).
    7/4 - 191.6 - overall good day. Didn’t track food or water I really need to get this on lock. Rest day from strength training, muscles are sore from the other day. 9,443 steps (53,273 left), 3 floors ( 62 left), 31 Zone minutes (324 left). I listened to 2 episodes of the coaches cup podcast. Took Farley for a walk last evening, we didn’t go as far the other day but we got out and he had fun
    7/5 - 190.4 - average day, it got a little hot in the afternoon and the smoke was really bad again from the fires. I finished tracking my food this morning. I was over for my calorie count. My water was little low, still need to work on that. 8,752 steps (44,521 left), 4 floors (58 left), 81 Zone Minutes (243 left). Farley and I didn't get out for our walk due to the air quality. I did a new strength training workout. Found it on YouTube Senior Fitness Seated Dumbbell Workout For Beginners | 20 Min, it is part of a workout series Senior Fitness with Meredith. I think that I am going to continue to use this one.
    7/6 - 189.8, not the best day. Started out really good, but then the pull of my chair and cheese pleasures got to me. Thinking that maybe I should throw out my chair or at least make it so that I can't just sit easily. I tracked my food this morning, which is better then not tracking but I need to get in the habit of tracking as the day goes. I was just under for my calorie count, barely and in truth because I didn’t track as I ate I probably under represented what I ate. My water intake is still very low, need to work on that. 5,961 steps (38,560 left), 2 Floors (56 left), 36 Zone Minutes (207 left). Farley and I did not get out for a walk last night it was simply too hot for him. I think that I am going to have to start taking him in the morning.
    7/7 - 190.0 - Did the second day of my weight workout, again at 2lbs. Thinking that on Sunday when I do it again I will increase my weight to 5lbs. Had a visit from a friend and helped him out with some computer stuff. I didn’t take any time to sit around in my chair until after dinner. My step count was horrible. I did nothing almost all day and man does it show. 3,561 Steps (34,999 left), 1 Floor (55left), 5 Zone Minutes (202 left). Farley and I did not get out for a walk again.
    [ /Spoiler]