Nutrition: Weight gain after weight loss; triathlon training; muscle build up and injury recovery

Hi, quick background: i was 250lb couch potato july 2020 started crossfit and eating like a bird, lost 20lbs in like less then a month then ONE pound 9months later. Told by nutritionist to eat more- then dropped 30 pounds in like 60 days.... kept at it not specifically to lose weight because i loved my crossfit class. got down to 185 may 2022. Then i started training for a triathlon, gained 10-15lbs and lost inches (new muscle). Tri was Oct 2022. Then Dec i was sitting around 203, decided i wanted to start running and stop crossfit to really work on it- i hurt my ankle one month in and now i can ONLY lift weights. now i am at 212. So my question is i want to train like a light weight lifter but i'm not meeting my food requirements. Do i eat less or more? I got my Metabolic rate measured and it was like 1790 (i work a desk job). I want to lose fat mass and gain muscle. I was told my my DEXA scanner guy to consume .75 grams of protein per pound of body weight, nutritionist told me the liver can't handle more then 80 grams of protein a day. Is eating around 1500 good or bad for sustainable weightloss/muscle gain? Based on me all i've done is increase my weight, i have also gained muscle though. I've been eating about 2000. Its just frustrating trying to find the right mix for me. Help?