Depression and Food

Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
Good morning all.

I suffer from depression and it has been quite bad of late. Feeding myself has become quite difficult. Feeding myself in a healthy way even more so. I have no energy and no drive to get up and do it. Too often I am ending up ordering in and then I always feel worse because it's not good for me and I just spent money I shouldn't have.

So, any suggestions of good Depression meals that don't take a lot of prep? Prep seems to be the hardest part for me. Or just hints and tricks you have found that make it easier to make something healthy?

Last night I had eggs, toast, avocado, and baked beans which wasn't too bad.


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,754 Member
    I'm sorry you're dealing with depression and that things are difficult for you right now. I hope things improve soon!

    In the meantime, I'd kind of think through this backwards: what foods do you really like and enjoy right now? What's the easiest for you? Then try to plan grocery shopping around those items, substituting healthier or lower calorie items when you can.

    What do you usually order in? Try to have similar items at home ready so that you don't make yourself feel worse for spending money.

    Vague ideas, I know, but without knowing what you like I'm having a hard time suggesting anything specific.