PCOS. Bump in the road. Kind words needed.


I'm 22, newly diagnosed with PCOS.

I have suspected for a few years I have PCOS but never got tested because I never pushed for it (GP at the time was shockingly ignorant, told me to keep a journal in order to help my 3 month long period. Thanks dude!). Switched to a female Dr recently and asked again, and hey presto!

I'm still kind of gutted, even though I pretty much knew I had it. I guess it's been a rough three years ( gaining 60 kgs, leaving a conservative faith, breaking an engagement, starting university, moving in with a guy, getting engaged, getting pregnant (unexpectedly), living on his student loan, dropping out of uni, getting married, dealing with anxiety, suicidal depression, anemia, morning sickness throughout pregnancy, pre eclampsia and in labor for a week, 3rd degree tear, breastfeeding issues, pumping, starting back at university, starting a job, getting diagnosed with ADHD...)

The good news is my insulin resistance is in normal range, so I'm less likely to develop diabetes.

But I'm pretty frustrated right now. I'm in full self pity mode :-P can't seem to catch a break!

I guess I'm just looking for positive stories, advice, kind words, and general chin-up, keep going platitudes :-)


  • AlliBarlik
    AlliBarlik Posts: 111 Member
    I also was diagnosed (about 8 years ago). It's hard. But you can control this. Diet, exercise, and having a great doctor are the best!
    You can do this. Read up on this--best thing I ever did. Now that I am watching a lot of what I eat, my symptoms are not nearly as bad.
    I on the other hand developed diabetes--so good for you that you are not in that range! WootWoot!! :glasses:
    You can add me as a friend if you ever just want to talk or ask questions. I promise to be encouraging and not pushy at all.
  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    I've read a couple of posts about PCOS - my 20 year old daughter has been diagnosed. Is there a special diet she should be following? Anything she should be doing besides "normal" things? I guess her doctor didn't tell us there was anything that she should change. Good luck with everything!!!