HELP! Am I doing something wrong with the calories?



  • myfitnesspaller
    myfitnesspaller Posts: 74 Member
    Sounds like serious over estimation of calorie burns here. When I burn 900+ caloried an hour, I drop between 5 & 6 pounds of water weight. That's an hour at ~160 HR for a 5'10 male at about 188. You're probably greatly over estimating the calories burnt.

    800 calories burnt in 100+ minutes.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Sounds like serious over estimation of calorie burns here. When I burn 900+ caloried an hour, I drop between 5 & 6 pounds of water weight. That's an hour at ~160 HR for a 5'10 male at about 188. You're probably greatly over estimating the calories burnt.

    800 calories burnt in 100+ minutes.

    What are you doing for 100 minutes? Are you working out that long regularly?
  • myfitnesspaller
    myfitnesspaller Posts: 74 Member
    Sounds like serious over estimation of calorie burns here. When I burn 900+ caloried an hour, I drop between 5 & 6 pounds of water weight. That's an hour at ~160 HR for a 5'10 male at about 188. You're probably greatly over estimating the calories burnt.

    800 calories burnt in 100+ minutes.

    What are you doing for 100 minutes? Are you working out that long regularly?

    I usually walk and or jog. and yes I do it regularly.
  • genkiemi
    Sounds like serious over estimation of calorie burns here. When I burn 900+ caloried an hour, I drop between 5 & 6 pounds of water weight. That's an hour at ~160 HR for a 5'10 male at about 188. You're probably greatly over estimating the calories burnt.

    800 calories burnt in 100+ minutes.

    What are you doing for 100 minutes? Are you working out that long regularly?

    I usually walk and or jog. and yes I do it regularly.
    At around 140lbs you would have to be running a nonstop 10 minute mile to burn that much. Walking or jogging will not, unless you weigh significantly more.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    People don't factor in there BMR when inputting their calories burnt.

    Say you spend an hour on the Stairmaster and you burn 1000 calories - seems like a good burn right? Well, not so much. Once you factor in your BMR for that hour you would only be left with a handful of calories you have actually burnt. Somewhere between 100-200. If you're lucky.

    Um, no. My BMR is 1547, which is ~65 calories an hour. I burn 1000 calories on the stair master, I have a net burn of 935 calories. Not a handful, not in the least.

    1547 is awfully low for a 21 year old female unless you have close to zero muscle mass.
    From this one quote, it is quite clear that you misunderstand what BMR is. :huh:

    And if you don't understand BMR then pretty much any other advice you give will have to be taken with a pinch of salt.
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I went through phases of eating back exercise cals, not eating them back, and a compromise between the two. What you need to do is to learn how your body actually FEELS.

    Sometimes, I can get through the day with very few cals (ie below 1,500) and not feel anything negative. At other times, I feel lethargic and moody if I go below 2,000 (usually if I've exercised) and if that's the case I will eat some of them back.

    Don't eat just for the sake, and don't NOT eat just for the sake either. Know that you have the calories there if you need them, and certainly don't worry about going over your calories that you'd have if you DIDN'T exercise, but don't waste too much time thinking about whether you should or shouldn't be eating things.. because sometimes you might feel like you need them, and other times you might not.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    So I burned 800 calories today. And I have 300 calories left (from my 1350 calories total+exercise calories). I am worried that if I even eat back 200 calories back, I would have eaten somewhere close to 1900 calories today!! How am I going to lose weight that way? I am actually eating more than my allotted calories (even thou I still have around 100 calories left from the workout I did earlier where I burnt 800 calories).

    Kinda confused.


    Plz ignore I am a mod, as I know no more than anyone else here-this is only my experience.

    I love MFP for it's simplicity. Anyone can over complicate any thing, but this is quite simple.

    I put in my info, it tells me for 1/2 pound lost in 1 week I should eat 1350 a day. This does not include any exercise, only your daily movements of which I am sedentary. If you serve tables or are a nurse, then that would not apply to you.

    SO, if I exercise I use a heart rate monitor to determine what I have burned in that time period, and load it in here. It is usually appox 200 calories so I eat approx. 1550 a day.

    Other sites will calculate in the exercise you PROMISE to do, and then when you don't, you get frustrated you are not losing. Here if I don't exercise I still lose weight because I am at a deficit, but I am giving my body the nutrition it needs to survive.

    Yes, some machines will drastically over estimate your calories burned, so take care. YOU know how hard you worked. If you were not sweating or breathing hard for that hour then you know you could never have burned 1000 calories, but more like 200 or 300 EXTRA than what you would have burned just breathing. That is why I love my heart rate monitor (or did til it died :( )

    KIS is a great acronym. Keep It Simple. I log. I eat. I exercise. I eat.

    I try to make healthy changes each day.

    Good luck to you
  • myfitnesspaller
    myfitnesspaller Posts: 74 Member
    Sounds like serious over estimation of calorie burns here. When I burn 900+ caloried an hour, I drop between 5 & 6 pounds of water weight. That's an hour at ~160 HR for a 5'10 male at about 188. You're probably greatly over estimating the calories burnt.

    800 calories burnt in 100+ minutes.

    What are you doing for 100 minutes? Are you working out that long regularly?

    I usually walk and or jog. and yes I do it regularly.
    At around 140lbs you would have to be running a nonstop 10 minute mile to burn that much. Walking or jogging will not, unless you weigh significantly more.

    140? where did u get that # from? Im around 177-178.