I try and I fail over and over...

vexedangel678 Posts: 263 Member
edited July 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Now I'm in my mid-40s and afraid it's really too late to change my life. The last time I lost weight was before my kids were born, in order to help us conceive--and it worked. However after my second pregnancy, I never lost the baby weight and have stayed there or 10 lbs. above for the past 10 years. I have health issues (high bp, high cholesterol, NAFLD, touchy gallbladder) and hate a lot of things about me and my body and my habits but I cannot change anything, literally, to save my life.


***ETA: sorry, I know I posted this as an intro and it comes off all drama--I am a mom of 2, work in education, have a hubby who is a bit of an enabler, and 2 kitties, plus 2 hobbies--scrapbooking and nail polish. :)


  • vexedangel678
    vexedangel678 Posts: 263 Member
    Thank you so much. I really appreciate the encouragement. And the real life experience.

    I am trying to create a new habit--never turning down an opportunity or invitation to exercise. Like--fetching things from downstairs instead of asking kids. And my daughter and husband like to go on walks in the evening, and they will ask me and I normally turn them down, but I've taken them up on it the last three times they asked.

    And I am tracking food and exercise again, which I had stopped doing for over a month, so that's a step in the right direction.

    I do have some good habits I just need to get back to them and stick with them. I get depressed and decide it's hopeless or in the moment I just don't care, but I always care eventually.......

    Again, thank you--very much--for your response.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,796 Member
    That sounds like a good start. The more you practice those small positive changes, the more they will stick.

    Sometimes it helps me continue a thing to frame it in my own mind that it isn't something I make a decision to do or not do, it's just a thing I do. For example, most of us don't make a decision about whether to brush our teeth or do the laundry (and things like that), we just do them because they need to be done. It's not even a question. Some things about eating and activity can be more like that.

    Best wishes!