Intercranial Hypertension!

Hi everyone. Just wanted to see if there's anyone else on here who may also be struggling with the IIH journey.

I'm back on here to lose as much weight as I can - as quickly as I can!


  • msdenisespeaks
    msdenisespeaks Posts: 11 Member
    I am. Let’s connect.
  • Daniellaella92
    Daniellaella92 Posts: 1 Member
    Me too!
  • bcornelius79
    bcornelius79 Posts: 1 Member
    I was just diagnosed a few weeks ago! Started on topiramate May 2 and Diamox May 24, definitely the kick in the butt I needed to start tracking intake again. Finding it easier to avoid my temptations now that I am working remote 100% and rarely driving so stress levels are less volatile. Would love to chat with others.
  • CastielRoman
    CastielRoman Posts: 5 Member
    I have IIH - I am not on medication for it because I didn't like the potential side effects so I manage it with keeping my stress low and having good hydration and naps. It does make working out difficult a lot of the time, especially as I like to lift weights!