I hate my Thyroid!

Any1 out there also battleing some type of thyroid disorder? :ohwell:
I have Hashimoto;s Thyroiditis... diagnosed 2yrs ago after several years of hearing "you must not be trying hard enough" :explode:

Any tips ideas or just feel free to rant about how much you hate your thyroid......:grumble:


  • LaughItOff
    LaughItOff Posts: 33
    I have Hashimoto's too. You realy should visit my friend Katie's site - http://dearthyroid.org/ Tell her Rebecca/Laugh it Off sent ya. You'll love the site.
  • naturebaby
    naturebaby Posts: 161
    i don't really know what is hashimotttos..but i am hypo thyroid plus my age working against me. it is a very slow weight loss battle. just keep on keepin on and surely it will break loose!
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    I found out I had hashimoto's in 2002. I heard that same thing so many times. Then I switched doctors and they retested me. I found out that I didn't have any T3 and that was the problem. You do have to work harder than "normal" people, but it will come off, I promise. I took me almost 2 years to lose my 40 pounds. I was told not to expect more than 1-2 pounds of loss a month.

    Good luck and keep going!
  • joannasaurusrex
    I have an underactive thyroid - went to the doctors for MONTHS complaining that I was constantly tired and piling on weight no matter what I did - they eventually decided to put me on thyroxine. I've been on it for about 6 months now but it doesn't seem to be making much difference - I'm perhaps less tired, but losing the weight is so hard.
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    I hate my thryroid too! I had 1/2 of mine removed over a year ago now, luckily I'm not on any meds or anything so far because everything is "normal" but I still feel like it swings back and forth
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    I had half of my thyroid removed in '96 due to an adenoma. On maintenance meds for life!
  • Rachelatbeach
    I was diagnosed with a low normal thyroid by my father when I was about 12. He was an MD. He explained to me then that a low functoning thyroid would make losing weight harder for me, gaining weight easier. He also said the more I was over weight, the more my thyroid would have to work and the harder weight loss would be. I am now 66, and still have low thyroid function. Without exercise, I don't loose weight, even on 1500 cals. I don't know if your problem is similar, but I do know that I feel sluggish and tired all the time. I adopted the turtle as my totem to remind myself that slow and steady wins the race, and I know that I will be slower than others. Keep your eyes on the goal, not the speed getting there.
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    I have multiple nodules on my goiter. It makes me hoarse if I have to talk longer than 5 minutes. But, my levels always come back as normal. I just switched doctors to find one that treats the symptom and not the number. I would not have grown excess thyroid gland if my levels were normal for "me". My body compensated by growing extra thyroid gland to make more. All it does is interfere with my throat.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    OMG!!!! I was just posting about this on another thread topic because I needed advice as to what is going on with my body.

    I am switching my Oby/Gyn because for 1-1/2 years I have not had a period. My doctor wont say menopause because I am only 42 but now I am not losing the weight. I have been following MFP eating my calories most times under and exercising 5 days a week and instead of losing I gained 1 lbs!

    Someone was saying it could be my thyroids. I don't know if it is menopause. They have given me ultrasounds on my uterus and the lining has not thicken nor do they see anything wrong except for Fibroid tumors.

    I made an appointment Aug 27th so I hope they can tell me something.

    Anyone else have any adivce or knowledge?
  • RachSuzanne
    RachSuzanne Posts: 74 Member
    I have an underactive thyroid - went to the doctors for MONTHS complaining that I was constantly tired and piling on weight no matter what I did - they eventually decided to put me on thyroxine. I've been on it for about 6 months now but it doesn't seem to be making much difference - I'm perhaps less tired, but losing the weight is so hard.

    I know how you feel. If it's only been 6 months, keep to it. Make sure you are going in regularly to have your levels tested. If you are going to a doctor and they don't test regularly, you may consider finding a new doctor, or at least one for your thyroid. I only recommend an endocrinologist for Hyperthyroid, as it is WAY more complicated than Hypo. Keep taking your meds, exercise and eat healthy. It can take up to 2 years to regulate your thyroid levels.

    Life will get better.

    Oh...btw, try taking daily Vitamin D (deficiency is common w/ hypo) and folic acid. You may find your mood and overall feeling improved.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I've been tested several times for diabetes, thyroid issues, estrogen, etc. They all tell me they wish they had more patients as healthy as me: my only problem is my weight & Dr's tell me it's because I'm not eating right and exercising enough. BS! I exercise my butt off at least 5 days a week, on days off I push out a double workout, I eat well, watch portions, the whole 9 yards. I've been working really hard for the last 8 months, and only lost 10lbs. But, I know I've changed my body shape since I fit into clothes I was wearing when I was 5-10 lbs thinner than I am now. I know the Dr's have missed something & since we moved I need to find a new Dr closer to work & home. But I don't want one to tell me the same as before or just what I want to hear so I plan on taking some of my diary's in with me to show them (that & you can tell I've got muscle under some of the fat :tongue: ). Since I am always thirsty & drinking water my Mum thinks I may have diabetes, but I also have hair loss, hoarse/deep voice at times, cold extemeties (I was actually wearing a sweatshirt when we ran errands 2 weeks ago... I live in Central Florida! I was freezing!), but apparently, Dr's don't think that's unusual. :ohwell:
    My BIL is a nutritionist, master herbalist, personal fitness trainer & ex-body builder: he has a lot of natural products that can help, but until the Dr's show what's wrong he doesn't want to advise me on anything since that could make things worse or mask the problem altogether.
    I will tell you 2 things that have helped some: I take Rhodiola Rosea which is good for stress & anxiety, and mix up my cardio/weights with Tai-Chi: sometimes getting a bit of control over that can help rewrite some of your natural blue print (not all, but a little is better than nothing :ohwell: )
    This journey is hard, and it ticks me off when people I work with and know literally eat junk day in and day out and don't gain any weight (even the ones that are on the heavier side than me, they don't work out either and still stay the same!) But this just reminds me that I'm stronger than they are, I work for every little bit that I've got and I appreciate it that much more... :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    I too have an underactive thyroid...I had to have mine "shut down" after the birth of my second child. I'm on meds for the rest of my life and the biggest problem is to take it everyday at the same time and remember not to eat anything until 30 mins after a pill. It really does make weight loss painfully slow. It's the side effects of poor circulation (hands and feet), extreme tiredness and muscle cramps in my legs that I find hard to deal with. My poor husband has to chase me down everday to make sure I took my pills-haha! I do believe that bringing my weight down will only be a benefit to these symptoms.
  • Psychlone
    Psychlone Posts: 12 Member
    You need to see a Endocrinologit that specializes with thyroids.... i was sent to 3 diabetes specialists before i found Dr K

    Be your own advocate.... no1 knows your body as well as you do!

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I too have hypothyroid. I sure does make it harder to loose the weight. But we can do it, it will just take us longer
  • Psychlone
    Psychlone Posts: 12 Member
    I found a few tricks to keeping those side effects at bay
    1) sleep with feet slightly elevated (i use 2 old pillows overlapping), this also helps my plantar facitis
    2) drink 1 bottle water with my Synthroid, and 1 before bed
    3) ELECTROLYTES! Smart water, G2 by Gatoraide and I take 500mg Magnesium (750 during my cycle )and 595? of Potasium, I started the at based on my neurologist recomendation to combat migraines, but it has helped my muscles too!

    ps i loooove SoBe lifewateds too! and the new crystal lite pure fit drink packs have electolytes and no aspertame!
    I too have an underactive thyroid...I had to have mine "shut down" after the birth of my second child. I'm on meds for the rest of my life and the biggest problem is to take it everyday at the same time and remember not to eat anything until 30 mins after a pill. It really does make weight loss painfully slow. It's the side effects of poor circulation (hands and feet), extreme tiredness and muscle cramps in my legs that I find hard to deal with. My poor husband has to chase me down everday to make sure I took my pills-haha! I do believe that bringing my weight down will only be a benefit to these symptoms.