What do you guys think?

I work in the emergency department and a children's hospital and this occasionally involves working through the night ( 9pm until 7am). At the moment I am just temping for them - I used to come and help out when I was home from university but now I have graduated and haven't found a 'proper job' just yet I have taken on more shifts. I used to know up to weeks in advance when I was going to be needed on nights and could shuffle my sleeping and eating habits accordingly so that I ate the same amount of calories within a 24 hour period.

Last night one of the other receptionists called in to say that she couldn't make her shift and so they phoned at 8.45 and asked if I could come in to do that night. I said yes because I am in no position to turn down the money at the moment - but I ended up being awake all day AND all night and eating 4 meals within the 24 hour period. Even though I was fairly good and had some pasta which would keep me going all night I still ended up eating 500 calories more than I should have done within the 24 hours.

My question for you guys is - do you think, in that situation, when you're active for nearly a full 24 hours, that you can get away with that amount of extra calories without it being cheating? The MFP food diary doesn't account for that sort of day (quite rightly, I wouldn't recommend it - human beings need sleep!) so can I justify having a 'lost' night and not worrying about that extra meal? What I'm worried about is if having to come in on short notice becomes a regular thing and I'm faced with a choice between being really hungry or undoing all my hard work.

I would be very grateful for your input!


  • vwalczak
    vwalczak Posts: 62 Member
    Don't think about it day by day, but week to week. You were over by 500 yesterday, so today and tomorrow try to be under by 250, and it'll even out!
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    You were not cheating, at all, in my opinion. The calories are based on you getting at least SOME sleep. You were active and you were still burning off those calories. My cousin is in the same boat as you, she's an ER nurse. I congratulate you for the job that you choose to do to help others. I say, for that, TAKE the 500 extra calories and enjoy them! YOU EARNED 'EM!
  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member
    I'm no expect but I think if this happens once in a while you should be fine. Since you are up and active you will be burning some calories but I think it would be at a slower rate than during the day.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Not cheating. It was unusual and shouldn't make much difference. If I bring my kids to the ER I want a nurse that is alert and functioning! If you were to try and "diet' under those conditions I would think that your work is what would suffer. You made the right choice!

  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    I don't think thats bad at all. One bad day isn't going to ruin you. You were awake for 24 hours for pete's sake! Who wouldn't have added another meal!?
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I think you are totally fine. Don't think about it too much.

    But omg, working at the ER for a children's hospital would just totally break my heart. Bless you.