Are you able to Use Creatine and Preworkout together?

Hey guys i have a simple question. Are we supposed to mix pre- workout and creatine together i love working out and its just an everyday thing but i use creatine when i know im gonna lift and i just dont want to do too much what do y'all recommend i just Bought this New supplement called LIPORUSH and they said that is very strong so need some guidance


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,940 Member
    Creatine isn't a stimulant, it's used to help move water and nutrients into your cells, which is a slow process which takes all day.

    Pre-workout is usually a stimulant, meaning it gives immediate energy which wears off quickly.

    Combining into a single drink shouldn't have any adverse reactions from a purely chemical perspective. Pre-workouts are highly individual; two people can use the same pre-workout with different results, and the same person can use two different pre-workouts with radically different results.

    Make sure you drink plenty of water, start taking the new stuff at the smallest dose until you know how your body reacts to it, and you should be fine.