New (Again)

Hey all you MFPers (not MFers πŸ˜‚)
I lost 100 lbs a long time ago and have slowly gained some back. I stopped logging after a very consistent 6 years, and recently decided to get serious with logging again to help stay mindful of my cals in vs cals out. The problem is that most of my old MFP friends are no longer active, or rarely active. I cleared out most of my friends list, because those people weren't active anyway, but I'm missing the interaction I had before.
If anyone would like to be friends and encourage one another, I'd love that.
I'm an injured runner, trying to get back into running and preparing for a half marathon in December. I have about 20 lbs to lose and it's very stubborn coming off.
Hope to see you soonβ—β—β—πŸ˜