Working on Holistic Wellbeing

Hey everyone! Putting this out there as a means of accountability for myself, and I am more than happy if anyone wants accountability from me too! I love to guide and support but I noticed I need that for myself too.

I know I am my best self if I pay attention to the body, mind, and soul. My goal is to start working out on mornings and also find ways to eat more mindfully.

I am an integrative therapist and know I have been neglecting my own wellbeing! (Any others in a "helping" profession? Sometimes we can be the biggest hypocrites guiding others and neglecting ourselves 🤣🤣)

I'm trying to create a structure for myself and I think having support buddies who I know can see my update posts and provide encouragement and I can do the same for them would help immensely.

I'm in my 30s and got to start taking better care of myself!