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Adjustment to Completing Diary

I'd really like to be able to complete my diary but it keeps giving me the warning about low caloric intake. I mainly measure calories by the week to allow myself to have larger snacks on a few days rather than small ones everyday.

Wish it would let you complete your diary regardless of intake recorded!
2 votes

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  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,166 Member
    Closing your diary doesn't do anything except post a message to your timeline, and give you the "in 5 weeks" projection.

    If you don't close your diary, everything else will work fine.

    If you eat as unevenly as you seem to be saying, the "in 5 weeks" projection will be wrong for you anyway.

    If you want a message on your timeline about how you did with your calorie goal that day, you can post one by typing it in.

    I'm not an MFP representative, but I think the point of this function is to discourage people from under-eating, which creates health risks for people. It seems like MFP wants people to follow healthy weight loss practices, and undereating is not a healthy practice. You may be an exception, and be eating enough calories on average even if not every day, I don't know.