Failing to connect to Fitbit.

Hello, I was wondering if anyone else here encountered this problem.
I have issues with connecting Myfiitnesspal account to Fitbit. I'm fairly sure it's a problem on Myfitnesspal's end. When I click on the Fitbit app image, then "Connect" button, then approve of all the data sharing on Fitbit's side of things, I'm just redirected back to Myfitnesspal Apps page, with no changes. See screenshot attached, that's the page BEFORE and AFTER I attempt to link to Fitbit. There is no "My Apps" tab, there are no error messages, it's like I never did anything. On Fitbit side of things, I can go into my Settings and see Myfitnesspal in the the "Connected Apps" tab, I have options such as revoke access, etc. But nothing on Myfitnesspal's side. I have found no instructions on how to resolve this. This is not a sync issue, this is Myfitnesspal not recognizing that an attempt to link the two apps has even been made.


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