Beginning my sexy to 60 journey today.

mkimszal222 Posts: 3 Member
edited July 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Ever since Covid I’ve hit an over 300 pound weight platform that I can’t shake. I’m here because I need to overcome the resistance I feel to getting back to a healthier version of me.

I’m currently 58 and my plan is to get myself looking and feeling amazing by the time I reach 60 in 2025.

I’ve reached a turning point when the simple act of fitting in chairs and walking have become difficulties that I would never have imaged having.

If any of this sounds like a familiar struggle I would love to join our strengths and share strategies and tools to becoming our best healthier version


  • MagKat1916
    MagKat1916 Posts: 1 Member
    I've already hit 60 (i actually just turned 61) and oh boy what a struggle my weight has been! I finally figured out that I do have to write down or track what I eat. I am so sick of this being an issue and just want to be healthier. I currently weigh 190 and my goal is to get out of plus size clothing, lower my diabetes risk and get rid of my belly fat. Would love to be on this journey with someone else.hro7hq0x5qjv.jpeg
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    Welcome to MFP, @mkimszal222 and @MagKat1916

    I started at 56, feeling the same way and reached goal in about eighteen months. I am yall, and y’all are I. 😂

    Have y’all got a plan in place? Had a chance to look around and familiarize yourself a little bit. It was a bit overwhelming at first, so please use the boards here to ask questions and seek help. I could not have been successful without the lovely folks here, and the grit-my-teeth motivation I got from the Success Stories board.

    Much success to you both!
  • mkimszal222
    mkimszal222 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you ladies for sharing and the useful advise

    I’m scheduled for all doctors visits to get all my preventive care in and to find my baseline to begin from. Have terrible white coat syndrome but am more concerned about not going lol

    I started walking this weekend and plan to take more breaks from sitting all day at work and be active during the day

    Thanks for joining me. I’m excited for the journey

    Congrats on your accomplishments as well!!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,784 Member
    Hello, and welcome - @mkimszal222 and @MagKat1916 both!

    I also arrived here around your age: I was 59 when I joined MFP, part way through losing weight from class 1 obese to a healthy weight. For me - a hedonistic aging hippie but also a data geek - MFP and calorie counting were perfect. I told myself I wasn't going to do anything to lose weight that I wasn't willing to continue long term to stay at a healthy weight, except for a sensibly moderate weight loss rate.

    That turned weight loss into a period of experimentation where I figured out my best personalized tactics. I feel like it's key to tailor the methods to our own individual preferences, strengths and challenges. Logging on MFP helped me gradually tweak my routine eating patterns to get reasonable nutrition (on average over a day or few) at appropriate calories, using foods I personally enjoy, plus find filling, practical, and affordable. I do regular exercise that I find mostly pretty fun, so I actual want to do it . . . plus as I've gotten it into my routine, I start feeling yucky (moody, stiff, etc.) if I can't work out for a period of time. It's self-motivating, in a sense.

    I'm now 67, have been at a healthy weight - with some mild ups and downs, but all in the same jeans size - since that initial loss. It wasn't easy every minute, of course, but I was surprised that the mechanics were much simpler than I'd imagined . . . and the rewards so much greater. I could kinda kick myself that I didn't realize this earlier, TBH.

    You can do this, and it will be worth the effort in quality of life improvement, I predict. I'm cheering for you both!
  • mpryor12
    mpryor12 Posts: 7 Member
    You sound like you are writing my story! I am also 58 and am hoping to reach my goal by the time I turn 60, just in time for my youngest daughter's wedding! I would love to stay connected to be supports and each other's cheerleaders! BTW you are a very young looking 58! What's your secret?
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,067 Member
    It sounds like a familiar story, ' cuz I've been there. These days, I'm getting closer to my goal at 66 years old.

    One of my best pieces of advice is not to overdo. Not only I but many of my friends when they start working out work out too hard and the exhaust themselves or hurt their knees or other body parts. Be gentle to yourself as you start on this journey.

    When I had trouble walking, my workout was just walking in place and keeping my heart rate at a reasonable rate, and I also did share dancing which could be fun and exercise biking without going too fast and keeping it on the low enough resistance not to be a problem.

    Good luck, and glad you're joining us on our journey!

  • mkimszal222
    mkimszal222 Posts: 3 Member
    Morning everyone. Thank you for all your feedback. Want to share a few of my thoughts regarding my current week

    My name is Maggie — so much easier to address by name if we’ll be sharing our stories.

    Thank you mpryor for your kinds words. 🥰 and for sharing this journey with me

    Zebasschick (really digging your name lol). You are sooo right. I began riding the stationery bike this week and within 10 min my left knee really started hurting. I now have a brace on and decided to do 30 min daily walking on the treadmill. I’ve been consistent all week and am really proud of myself. Been getting up and working out at 630a and it’s working. 🙏🏻

    I treated myself to a new pair of glasses and a haircut haha to begin my journey. I’m trying my o get better at taking care of myself. 🌺3eccmch7pt3e.jpeg
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    Being in the market for new glasses (after clocking myself in the face adjusting a weight bench 🤦🏻‍♀️) I just want to say how much I really like your new glasses.

    Sorry to sidetrack!