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More insights for fats

Ok- my first post xD
I’m sure we all know trans fats are something we should do our best to avoid, however i sometimes find myself looking through my trans fat history and find out I ate certain foods with trans fats (and apparently their nutritional info said so but I didn’t even notice).
I feel like it would be helpful for us to know if, just like if our fat intake is too high. If we got insights for if a food contained trans fat, especially if we’re making a choice on the spot and have little time to check through the nutritional info. On top of that, I find some foods have even less than 0.1 grams of trans fats, while I know eating them once in a while won’t do any harm. It is still good to be insighted on that, especially if we get one for saturated fat.
With the topic of fats… Mono and Poly unsaturated fats! I believe it would be cool to also get insights if our foods have a decent amount of healthy fats! The same way foods high in protein, micronutrients and fiber get positive insights for being well, healthier. The same way these healthy fats should to, they are beneficial after all!
Of course, we should still be encouraged to keep an eye on our fat intake to not eat too much. But healthy fats should get more attention if we wanna stay healthy, in my opinion.
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  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,525 Member
    Whole foods with fat that are plant based will give you good fats along with fish like salmon and tuna.
    Trim fat off chicken and meats to reduce saturated fats.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 35+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
