Women 200lb+, Let's Apply Ourselves This August!!!



  • Shoppie2023
    Shoppie2023 Posts: 23 Member
    Everyone is doing so well ☺️

    I've just weighed in for the end of week 4 and I lost 5 lbs this week! That takes me to 11 lbs lost in a month. Feeling super motivated now!
  • ambermichk
    ambermichk Posts: 108 Member
    Not good hear. My drastic weight loss jumped back up and now I am going back down... not to were my lowest was this past week but slowly creeping down.
  • serenecompassion2663
    53 years old
    SW: 235
    CW: 210
    GW: 199
    UGW: 140

    @justanotherjen13 : You can do this!! I can guarantee that 235 feels better than 250! I’ve been (almost) there!! My highest weight was 243 back in 2012. In the ensuing decade I have been through multiple stints with my physical therapy team for knee and shoulder injuries, and for my low back. I understand the pain of locked muscles. My comfortable weight was 220.
    I know I can accomplish all of my goals. I’ve done the activities. I need to add consistency.😊
    Now at 210#, instead of a heating pad, I can loosen my back with 10 minutes of floor stretching. My sweet spot for a walking workout is 2 miles. I can push myself to 4, but my recovery time is longer. 2 miles is amazing considering I couldn’t walk half a block at 243 without joint pain and shortness of breath.
    Yes, you can!!!😊
    Blessings to you!!
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    edited August 2023
    Been absent for a long while here. I am still on track...mostly. I did over eat today. I lost my buddy, Brutus (my dog), last week and I just had my 7th grandchild born so I think and hope the swing in emotion contributed to the slip. I am pounds away from my goal weight and I don't want to screw it up now. I am still consistent with logging and doing my walking, etc.

    It's scary when you have a slip up because I don't want to give up and go backward. Does anyone else feel like one slip is almost the end of the world? I am an "all or nothing" person.
  • serenecompassion2663
    53 years old
    SW: 235
    CW: 210
    GW: 199
    UGW: 140

    Yes. I have had to struggle with “all or nothing” thinking most of my life. I can’t tell you how many times I got close to 200, or even dropped to 190, only to go back up to 220 after only a month or two. You are not alone in your journey. 😊

    I am so sad to hear of the loss of your dog. I have lost pets, and they are family.

    You have been on a roller coaster of emotions! Give yourself the grace to feel them, and celebrate, or grieve, as the mood takes you. Start each day with a fresh intention, and just do whatever you can.

    Your weight will settle. Be patient with yourself. Take care of you.😊

    Blessings to you.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Saturday weigh in day!
    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 8/1: 174.4 (average 173.4)
    8/5: 173.3 (average 173.4)
    8/12: 173.9 (average 173.7)
    8/19: 171.2 (average 173.5)
    8/26: 173.2 (average 173.5)

    🌞 August Goals! 🌞

    🌞 August GW (average): 172.5

    💛Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week ❌
    💛Log everything in grams ✔️
    💛 Shut down the house every night✔️

    No surprises here, my average calories this past week have been over what I was shooting for, but I've been logging everything, which is important for the long haul.

    I still didn't manage to meal prep properly, which affected how hungry I was. I tried to do canjica again for breakfast to "use it up," when that very thing was what made me so hungry last week. I don't have to use up things just because otherwise they'd go in the trash. It's okay.

    This week, I have veg, and I have a plan. I'm going to eat oatmeal bulked up with riced cauliflower for breakfasts, for just an enormous volume and plenty of filling fiber, and for lunch I'm going to do chicken sausage with a truly insane volume of veg. Hopefully all of this will be better for me, satiety wise.

    PT for my back is going well, I'm better than I was. OH! And I'm going to do a performance at the gym at the end of September! It's tiiiime to start practicing!

    No gym for me today, we're going to a festival nearby, and then I need to turn my focus on getting the house in order. I haven't touched the garage in a week, but it's not like that's a time sensitive project. What is time-sensitive is that I get the house cleaned, we're having friends come by tomorrow.

    Tag party time!
    @pamperedlinny getting through such a hard time is most important, weight loss will be there when you're not dealing with all this.

    @ambermichk I KNOW THAT'S RIGHT It's hard sometimes to justify spending money on things when "I can just.." this is me. I do this constantly, lol. And you're right. We are worth the expenditure, even when you might usually think the expense isn't "worth it." It is.

    @serenecompassion2663 YOU GO!!! I love to see this! "Marrying" habits works really well for me. I know every morning, first thing, I pour my coffee, so I'm not allowed to take the first sip until I can do it with my meds. I never forget my meds anymore, lol.

    @justanotherjen13 the coolest thing about paying attention to the way you're feeling, health-wise, is you can reach for things you never would have considered reaching for before. :smiley:

    @Shoppie2023 congratulations, that's great!

    @Buckeyebabe717 I get that a slip feels like you won't "pull up" out of it, I have certainly felt that way, which is why it might be trite, but I always think of every new day as a new chance to make things the way I want them to be. Even if you can't get to having one "perfect" day, you can always get to having a "non-zero" day, a day where you did at least one thing that you meant to do- be it exercise, or log your food, or even just drink more water or eat more vegetables. You know?

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    * get used to walking at least two miles every day (about 45 minutes)
    * portion control, portion control, portion control
    * make better food choices
    * no snacking on unhealthy foods
    * lose about 10lbs

    SW: 294 (7/4/23)
    August SW: 273.8
    CW: 252.8 (8/29)
    GW (short term): 250
    GW (long term): 165

    8/29 Update: I'm almost at my short-term goal weight (my "normal" weight). It's taken (will take) a little over 8 weeks. I thought it was going to be a lot harder and take a lot longer, but I've been chugging along. It was really hard those first weeks when I just felt hungry constantly because of my mental health and routine and my medication, but I'm used to it now. I started on July 5, barely being able to walk for a half hour without feeling exhausted and out of breath. I was just barely making it a mile back then. Yesterday, I walked to and from the grocery store. It was 4.39 miles all together and I felt fine... right up until I had to tackle the steep hill leading into our neighborhood. That still got me and I went into our HOA clubhouse (right at the top of the steep part) to get more water and just chill before I did the last 10 minutes home. Once home, I felt fine. Feet were a little sore but otherwise, I was great. I can't believe how much better I feel already. My clothes fit better--I'm in a pair of size 20 jeans now that are getting kind of loose (when I started my 22s were tight) and I don't have to stretch my shirts way out for them to feel comfy--and my knee doesn't bother me much anymore. It's been a crazy two month, and I'm looking forward to September which will probably be the last month I can walk every day before the rainy season starts.
  • Shoppie2023
    Shoppie2023 Posts: 23 Member
    @ambermichk sorry to hear you've not been having a good time. I hope things improve and your downward trend continues.

    @serenecompassion2663 you are doing so well! Walking 2 miles is also my max really - more than that and I tend to feel so tired I don't want to go the next day which just means my total mileage is lower, so it's better to stick to around 2 miles.

    @Buckeybabe87 I'm so sorry about your Brutus :-( I dread the day I have to let my beautiful dog go and she's only 8. You love with your whole heart when it comes to pets. Congratulations on your new grandchild though! Try really hard to let the odd slip go, you have been going through a hell of a lot. Just try to get back on it when you can.

    @CupcakeCrusoe you sound like you have planned everything out really carefully, good luck, I'm sure you will reach your goals. Glad to hear your back is better, sore backs are the pits. Trying to take some pressure off mine is actually what kickstarted my weight loss journey as it was just so painful

    @justanotherjen13 you are tantalisingly close to your current goal, I'm so impressed! All the non-scale victories like looser clothing and better walking is great, you must be so happy!

    I don't have much to update my end. I'm just going to the seaside today and will probably have both ice cream AND fish and chips so I *think* I'll be going over today lol. I weighed this morning so I know what I'm working with. I'm back to school on Friday after a whole summer off (I work in a school) and tbh I'm dreading it as I won't be able to exercise as much so will have fewer calories to eat!
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 356 Member
    💜💜💜Hey, ladies!!! Next month's group has been posted in the Motivation and Support forum:

    Women 200lb+, Let's Have A Superb September!!!
