The Never Ending Story

Hi, I'm not new to fitness pal. I'm not new to knowing how to take care of my body. I'm 66 years old married, children, grandchildren! Knew Richard Simons,went on his " Cruise To Lose!" I've done it all. I'm a sugar junkie. I've been off refined sugar for 14 days and all junk food. I'm back to feeling better my name is Denise and if you want to friend me come on now!!!!!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,720 Member
    Hello, Denise! I'm kind of a crummy MFP friend on that side of things (more of a Community forum gal, I guess), but I wanted to stop by your thread to congratulate you on grabbing the reins and taking control. The results are worth it!

    I'm close to your age (67 now), and used MFP as part of losing from class 1 obese to a healthy weight back in 2015-16, have stayed at a healthy weight since. Quality of life is much better: I don't want to go back.

    Best wishes for continuing positive progress!
  • PeachHibiscus
    PeachHibiscus Posts: 163 Member
    Hi Denise! The Cruise to Lose must have been so much fun! These last few months I've been doing my Richard Simmons DVD's. I had them on VHS in the 90's. I love that I still remember all the moves and they're still a lot of fun!