Ladies losing pregnancy weight!

I would love to befriend some other women who are working on losing pregnancy weight or have done it in the past! It a whole different struggle to find time to work out and eat right now that i have a baby and i'd love some tips/support from other ladies who have been in my situation, so feel free to add me! :)


  • touchafaith
    touchafaith Posts: 112 Member
    Hi! I'm in the same situation as you. I have a 7 month old and I'm trying to lose the baby weight. I also have a 3 year old. I've been following myfitnesspal now for 9 weeks and have lost 24lbs so far but still have at least another 30 to go. I never made the effort to lose the weight after my first baby so have quite a bit to lose. Feel free to add me and we can help and motivate each other :)
  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    Right here. Still nursing and she's one, the weight just does not want to come off this time around! Friend me if you want :) I try to workout and stay under my cals everyday!
  • hi there! my son was born Dec 2011 and by the time he was 8 months old I lost 40 lbs, that's 30 more than the baby weight I had to loose, now I am pregnant with my second, due February :) I will add you!
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    YAY! Finally a pregnancy weight thread! My second child is 3 months old and I have 4 pounds to go (needed to lose 20 lbs total after delivery). I was lucky to take a 4 month maternity leave and my mom is kind enough to watch the baby while I go to the gym 3 times a week. I also run on the treadmill in my garage on the days I don't go to the gym after the kids are in bed (just set up the baby monitor and you're good to go). I have been DETERMINED both times to lose all the pregnancy weight. In fact with my first pregnancy I lost all the pregnancy weight plus some. This time I want to look even better than I did before so I've started heavy lifting to burn off more body fat. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck - you WILL do this.
  • Hi! I'm in the same situation as you. I have a 7 month old and I'm trying to lose the baby weight. I also have a 3 year old. I've been following myfitnesspal now for 9 weeks and have lost 24lbs so far but still have at least another 30 to go. I never made the effort to lose the weight after my first baby so have quite a bit to lose. Feel free to add me and we can help and motivate each other :)

    Wow, congrats on losing 24lbs already, that's awesome! :)
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    I lost 35 lbs. after giving birth last October. My baby boy is almost a year old! I counted calories, and I did a bit of cardio. I'm not counting calories now as I'm experimenting to see if I can lose weight by just portioning my meals. So far so good, and I ate A LOT recently lol.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I had my second child May 16th and just now got back to pre pregnancy weight. I was 188 before I had him and I'm down to 150 lbs now. However, this isnt a healthy weight for me (I'm only 5'5''), so now I have a goal to lose 25 more pounds and lower my body fat %. I've been walking, going on bike rides, doing random exercises and strength training with a barbell in my garage :)
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    I have a 2 week old and in ready to start shifting weight. As I'm nursing I'm not going to be dieting, I eat quote healthy already just need to clamp down on the chocolate!

    Boys go back to school on Thursday so going to start walking and jogging again soon.

    Had thought about doing the 30 day shred to get me restarted but I think it's still too soon for that!

    Nice to meet other mums trying to shift baby weight.

  • Labouffecestbon
    Labouffecestbon Posts: 182 Member
    Hi! You can add me. Always looking for support and people to support. I've lost all the pregnancy weight, or should I say AFTER pregnancy weight as I put on most of it after delivery. I weigh less than I did before pregnancy (I've lost 26 lbs so far). I was overweight to begin with so I'm still working on this. 15 lbs to go but I'm quite happy with my progress.
  • Hi, Im glad Im not the only one who has this problem:) youngest daughter is 19 months and I have a 28 month old son too. You would think running around and chasing after them, that the weight will fall off...nope! lol...I just recently stepped on the scale and saw what I didnt like seeing, so I decided to join the program. Ive never had a problem with my weight before, as I have three older children. And I was lucky enough to lose my pregnancy weight with them. But age and other factors are def making it harder this time around. Since Im new to this, please add me too....def need and want good advice. Thanks.
  • dianabee1985
    dianabee1985 Posts: 12 Member
    My little guy is 7 months. But that means 7 months of indulging and my stomach growing without an actual baby inside LOL
    So now I'm fighting the good fight against my lots and lots of extra Lbs!
  • I'm down 72lbs lbs after baby # 4. I gained ALOT of weight w/ each pregnancy. I'll add U:)
  • Fiercely_Me
    Fiercely_Me Posts: 481 Member
    I've lost 18lbs so far since giving birth 2/14/13. I gained 65 pounds during pregnancy, and trying to get down to 165lbs. It is hard, but you can do it!! I just posted my progress in the below link. Feel free to add me! I love giving support and motivation to others :)
  • My friend used this great website throughout her pregnancy, and now they have post pregnancy exercise and advice, all their exercises are support by a fitness exepert aswell! I use their food section for healthy recipes as well! So yummy! :)
  • abbysmom814
    abbysmom814 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm trying to lose the pregnancy weight as well. I had my 2nd child 3.5 months ago. I lost the weight quickly and then it crept back on. Time to lose it for good! :) Feel free to add me.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Does it count if my "baby" is 2.5? Lol!
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    My friend used this great website throughout her pregnancy, and now they have post pregnancy exercise and advice, all their exercises are support by a fitness exepert aswell! I use their food section for healthy recipes as well! So yummy! :)

    I love this site!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    My son is now 14.5 months old. Started 6 months ago at 219 and now I'm at 189. Happy to have new friends that are commited and active on MFP. Feel free to add me if you'd lke :0)
  • MrsBozz1
    MrsBozz1 Posts: 248 Member
    I have 2 boys, 5 & 6 (I homeschool both of them) and my baby girl is 1 year old TODAY :happy: so I understand busy and trying to balance kids and eating right/exercise! It is possible! I've lost 47 lbs since Jan 2013, 5 lbs to go. Nap time is a gift from God, take advantage of that time! I'm sorry I am limiting my friends to family right now but I wish you all the best! You can do this! Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • mrs_oh
    mrs_oh Posts: 4 Member
    Yup, my little boy is 8 months old. I have 2 stone to lose to get back to where I was before getting pg, but although I'd lost 3 stone, I still wasn't quite (!) at goal then so I have some more to go after that as well - probably another 2 stone again!! Yikes.

    Time to get serious! :)
