How do you love your body during weight loss process?

Yah some days it’s easier then others but when you see your self in pictures or mirror and you are still over weight it kind of ruins the whole mood. Also watching how other people treat over weight people in society can bring you down. Yes i am in a process of getting to my dream body and i am not there yet cus i still live in my over weight body which i always have to take every where and it causes me a lot of insecurity and makes me over think a lot. I feel like i don’t enjoy a lot of big moments because i am constantly worried about how other think of me or look at me.


  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    I am right there with you. I really struggle with this, and it's nice to know I'm not the only person who feels this way. I've been avoiding social events and time with friends more and more because I am so unhappy with my appearance. I don't personally have any good advice, and sometimes people still struggle with this after they lost weight. I guess I'm responding to say, "You're not alone," and to follow this thread to see what thoughts others provide.
  • AmberlyMarlene
    AmberlyMarlene Posts: 120 Member
    I recommend when looking at pictures and feeling defeated, imagining how wonderful you'll feel physically and mentally when you look back at these pictures after meeting your goals, and when I try to hold this mindset I remind myself that if I let them discourage me now it will be an even longer journey until I get to experience looking back after accomplishing my goals (possibly never).

    You can not be happy with where you are and still love your body because it's capable of getting you to your goals. You just need to pick up and make it.
  • newforgood
    newforgood Posts: 3 Member
    I think it may help to shift your focus. What other people think of your body should have no bearing on your life. It's what you have now, and you're changing it to make yourself happier. Not so that others can enjoy it more.
    As for pictures, try not to let it get you down. Somebody wanted a photo of you to remember that moment in time with you. They don't care how you look, they care about you!
    Finally, you don't have to love your body right now, but you should respect it, it has gotten you this far, hasn't it? So feed yourself properly, work out so you can be stronger, more flexible, have more endurance, dress how you feel most comfortable and attractive. The rest will come in time.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,901 Member
    I'm really adept at overthinking what other people think of me, at any size.
    But regarding body insecurities specifically: I started to feel a lot better in my skin after losing the first 5 or 10 lbs: even if the difference wasn't visible to others, it was visible to me. And just knowing that I was taking control over my life and my body was a confidence booster in and of itself, as well as having hope (at last) that weight loss was in fact possible (for years, I thought being overweight was inevitable).

    Love your body: it's the only one you'll get and if you're alive, it hasn't done too bad so far :smile:
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,705 Member
    1. We're more than our appearance - much more. Yes, superficial people do judge us on that, but those who care about us will care about our character and other, deeper traits. I know this is hard to internalize, but it's true.

    2. This will sound dumb, but when I think about valuing my body, I think "what would I do without it?" I mean, I wouldn't even be. It enables every bit of joy, generosity, effort, or self-improvement that happens. It can improve, become more functional, but . . . it does a lot, already. Kind of everything.
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 533 Member
    Think of it as scars. Some scars will never go away. Think of them as badges of your acknowledgement of accepting responsibility for the decisions you’ve made. Yeah I’m healthier than 30 year old me, but 53 year old me made some bad choices and they are here to stay. Perfection will not be for us who decided to finally do something about it. Just learn to be happy with the little battles you can win. Keep moving fwd you have lots O company…. 😀
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,333 Member
    I think most people are thinking more about themselves than anyone else when looking at a photo. I'm guilty.. i look at a photo to see how I look... i never analyze and critisize everyone else in the photo with me.

    I think this is pretty much true. So.. cut yourself a break.. your body is your temple .. you can't hate the gift of your body that is getting you through this life. You are on the right path to respect it more.. get it fit and in shape.. and you will reach your goal and look at a photo and think; I look so good!
  • sugarfreesquirrel
    sugarfreesquirrel Posts: 268 Member
    I remember the first time I lost weight, maybe 15 kilos, I was looking great and feeling great. Then I went to this science museum and there was this eight way mirror display you could crawl under and into and I could see myself from 8 angles at once. It was horrible, I saw all of these flaws I didn't know I had. It totally put a pin in my weightloss, I would never go into that mirror again, even if I was at goal.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,540 Member
    You don’t need to love your body to lose weight. In fact, you best prepare yourself for the possibility that you may not love your body at GW. And please be aware that if you find yourself unhappy with the results at GW, the answer might not be more weight loss. It might be more fitness. It’s all very complicated.

    What to do instead? Respect yourself. Respect the decision that you made to improve yourself and your life. You’ve undertaken a process. The results you get have to do with the process that you invent and how well you work it. There is no perfect end result that we get. Even if you get to goal and start winning swimsuit contests you will have to keep working to stay there. Respect yourself for having goals and making the effort. Never quit.
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,071 Member
    Our bodies store fat because they're trying to take care of us. They're trying to make sure we have stores so when we need energy, it's available. That seems like something to love to me.

    And for most of us, our legs carry us places and take us where we want to go, our arms let us reach for things, hold things and create things... And work out!. Without our hands, we wouldn't be able to post on this forum.

    Besides, lots of us love people who aren't particularly attractive. Why not love ourselves even if we're not as attractive as we'd like to be.

    So I think our bodies are lovable. They take care of us. And now we're trying to learn to take care of them.