Can't seem to lose weight!

Is there anyway you guys can look at my food diary and tell me what I'm doing wrong!
I can't seem to grasp the concept that I'm eating to LITTLE.. Plus I just can't bring myself to eat more than I am.. I'm getting pretty down now as I had lost 32 pounds before I joined this app, and when I finish adding to my diary it tells me because I've eaten 600 calories ill have lost a stone in 5 weeks.. When I eat more it says I lose less and less, so I just can't bring myself to eat anymore now :S what am I doing wrong?


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    your diary isn't open :(
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    600 calories a day!!?

  • MeganRoseee1994
    I've just opened it! :)
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    The site is not smart in the sense that it doesn't take into account metabolic slowdown from undereating. You have a brain. Use it. Without knowing your height/weight/age/activity level, I can't tell how much you should eat, but I know that no one should go below 1200 calories a day unless they are under a doctors care, and even then only for a very short time.

    This gives some advice about what to do when the scale is stuck.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    I checked your diary, you are eating at starvation levels. Eat at, or at least very near to your target and don't be so impatient. Don't pay any attention to the "If every day was like this you'd weigh ___ in 5 weeks" thing. From what I've seen of your diary, it should be saying, "If every day was like this, your hair will fall out, you'll become anemic, lose energy, and probably get osteoporosis when you're older!"
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    I checked your diary, you are eating at starvation levels. Eat at, or at least very near to your target and don't be so impatient. Don't pay any attention to the "If every day was like this you'd weigh ___ in 5 weeks" thing. From what I've seen of your diary, it should be saying, "If every day was like this, your hair will fall out, you'll become anemic, lose energy, and probably get osteoporosis when you're older!"

  • barbieistoothin
    hiya i know how frustrating it is.but by looking at your diary the foods your eating are more like low calorie convenience food and not much intake of protein and vegetables?try swapping your meals for whole lean foods, that way you wont have to eat more food but your calories will be a bit higher.a lean chicken breast with a baked sweet potato and a corn on the cob for your tea for example is about 500 cals, this type of food is great for fat burning.anythings in a packet that is marketed as low calorie is usually full of sweetners, sugars and salt this type of food messes with your blood sugar levels and call actually make you hungrier and crave more a bit like white bread can .If your not a big eater thats ok just eat whatever portion size you can but go for whole foods, eggs, tuna,chicken, turkey, wholemeal bread or pitta, theres loads of info on the web just get goggling for meal ideas etc. and good luck to you hope ive helped a little : )
  • MeganRoseee1994
    I'm already anaemic :S
  • MeganRoseee1994
    Thank you barbie but I have no idea what I should be eating? I've tried googling meal plans but can't really find anything :(
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Just some general guidelines:

    Eat lots of lean protein (chicken, fish, beef, pork) baked or grilled or broiled with just a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper, and herbs and spices to taste. Eggs are high in protein but also high in fat, so don't go nuts.

    Lots of fresh vegetables...raw salads or steamed or sauteed or roasted or baked.

    Lots of fresh fruit.

    Plenty of dairy but watch the fat...milk, yogurt, cheese.

    Whole grains but watch the carbs...brown rice, quinoa, couscous, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread.

    Drink lots of water, don't waste your calories by drinking lots of high-sugar beverages.

    Have an occasional treat so you don't feel deprived.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    What is your current height/weight?
  • barbieistoothin
    Go back to basics hun, you said you have already lost 30 plus pounds which is amazing by the way! What types of foods were you eating then?did you track the calories?cos whatever it was it worked. I have found in the past i have best weight loss results when i eat smaller portions of healthy food like muesli with low fat yoghurt, wholemeal sandwich with sliced ham or tinned tuna and light mayo or egg and salad with a bowl of soup,chicken srir fry and half a sachet of cooked rice.use skimmed milk for tea or coffee.just find ways of making food tasty by adding small amounts of olive oil ,garlic,chilli,dried oregano,tomato puree,low fat cheese traingles,mozzerela. I hope you like to cook lol get experimenting write a list of healthy foods you enjoy and take it from there.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Just some general guidelines:

    Eat lots of lean protein (chicken, fish, beef, pork) baked or grilled or broiled with just a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper, and herbs and spices to taste. Eggs are high in protein but also high in fat, so don't go nuts.

    Lots of fresh vegetables...raw salads or steamed or sauteed or roasted or baked.

    Lots of fresh fruit.

    Plenty of dairy but watch the fat...milk, yogurt, cheese.

    Whole grains but watch the carbs...brown rice, quinoa, couscous, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread.

    Drink lots of water, don't waste your calories by drinking lots of high-sugar beverages.

    Have an occasional treat so you don't feel deprived.


    Eating protein/fiber will help you feel fuller longer. Working treats (ice cream, cookies, whatever) into your daily goal will not hurt your weight loss, it'll keep you away from binge and you'll feel alot better.

    You DEFINITELY need to eat more calories. Don't be scared of them.
    Someone else a bit back talked about how they were consuming 1000 calories, and this was the response I gave them (and this definitely holds true with 600 calories):

    1. The recommended minimum for a woman is 1200 calories, 1800 for males. There's a reason for this. Your body needs more than 1000 calories to sustain itself. Yes, you could technically survive on 1000 calories or less, but you’d be extremely malnourished, weak, and sickly.

    2. When you drop your calorie intake that low, your body immediately slows everything down to conserve energy and protect vital organ functions. So even if you are able to drop a few pounds quickly at first, your weight loss will soon stall. Plus, as soon as you go back to a normal calorie intake, you’ll start GAINING weight because now your metabolism is slower than it was before so you can’t eat as many calories and maintain your weight.

    3. By cutting so low, you're setting yourself up for a binge-fest. You’ll feel irritable, stressed, fatigued, and deprived, which immediately makes you start craving food, and guess what happens? BINGE. And then where will you be? Right back to square one or maybe even -2.

    So yeah, stock up on the lean proteins, chicken fish, turkey etc. Eat greek yogurt, nuts, fruit, veggies, whole grains. All that stuff is great. I'm the type of person who gets bored quickly with the same things, so I make sure to have a wide variety of foods during the week. I also have ice cream EVERY night. Because I can fit it into my goals. And you know what? I've lost weight every single week. I'm happy, I have energy, and I feel incredibly positive. What's more is I'm living with a SUSTAINABLE diet.

    Good luck.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Eat more food. Seriously. You're going to hurt yourself.

    Does the App alert you every day that you need to eat more food?? There's a reason for that.

  • MeganRoseee1994
    The problem isn't that I start to binge, I'm actually perfectly happy not eating much I think that's the problem! I'm worried if I eat 1200 calories a day ill now gain weight.. I'm 5'5 and 12 stone so I'm majorly over weight, I'm seeing this guy at the moment and he's GORGEOUS so it's making me eat less and less! :(
    So I should eat more? Are you sure? Has anyone got a certain diet plan they can send me as I'd love to just follow word for word a diet rather than make one up myself!
  • mpawlicki
    mpawlicki Posts: 20 Member
    If I understand correctly, you are dieting on 600 calories? At some point your body realized you are starving yourself and it will not allow to shed any more body fat, in fact you started a reverse process where it will start saving anything it can get as it thinks you're going through a famine.
    I think your best way out is to actually add calories and eat at minimum 5 times a day. Take total caloric intake you need (say 1200 calories) and split it into 5 or more even meals. This will let your body know that it is not going to starve. At the same time throw in some exercise to build some lean muscle and burn fat.
    Dieting and starving are 2 different things and end with 2 different results.
    I personally diet on 40% carbs, 40% protein, and 20% fat. If you lack energy to exercise you'll need to add more carbs and lower proteins.
  • MeganRoseee1994
    Thank you mpawlicki, but I just don't know what foods to eat! That's my problem I have no idea what meals to eat so I just try not to.. It's really getting me down I feel like if I eat more ill gain more if i don't eat ill store the fat.
  • tavinsmom
    First, you aren't majorly overweight. Yes you can lose weight, but you are making it sound like you are 200lbs overweight. Second, you are to young to wreck your body by not eating enough, especially health stuff, as I'm not seeing much veg/fruit/lean proteins in your diet.

    Try to find a balance, don't eat less than 1,200 calories, up your healthy food and exercise. Don't worry about how fast you lose it, because with only needing to lose about 30lbs you shouldn't be losing 3lbs a week.

    good luck.
  • barbieistoothin
    just found this online hun, i might use it myself.

    you might have to copy and paste the link though.

    let me know what u think?
  • MeganRoseee1994
    Hiya barbie, I looked at it and the food on it seems so hard to cook/find/pay for.. Plus it keeps saying whey protein, what's that and what does it do? :) thank you for helping though ill keep reading through it! :) x

    And tavinsmum, I'm 19 and definitely over weight, I can't even lose 3lbs a week.. If I was I'd be ecstatic, I've been stuck at 12 stone for a months now and can't lose anymore!! It's so demotivating :( x