New Toy (kitchen scale)

When I started on MFP, there was an old spring action kitchen scale handy, left behind by my late wife I betieve. However, it was quite small and had a tiny tray on top. I'd often balance a dish precariously on the little tray, check the weight, add some food, and subtract. Of course this eventually toppled everything, the scale hit the floor, and no longer worked.

I read reviews online but found nothing local that matched the online lists. I finally just bought a local digital scale and promptly returned it as the buttons didn't work. I found another at a different store and this one is awesome! It's weighing stuff that didn't even register on the old spring action scale. The tare function means less arithmatic now too. It also sits low and flat, with a wider surface that firmly supports the dishes. Had I realized how much more I like this one, the old scale would have been retired long ago.

One thing I noticed though; weighing in grams, it seems to truncate to the lower gram weight. I get some dark chocolate wafers at the bulk store. They didn't even register on the spring scale. On the digital scale 1 wafer was 3 grams, but 2 = 7gm, and 4 = 15gm, so the actual weight is a little under 4 grams each. Plenty close enough for me. :smiley:


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,561 Member
    Hey, congratulations! When I got my scale it was a massive eye-opener. Yes, my scale also rounds numbers, but I figure the difference is so small that it doesn't matter. Actually, my scale is now about 10 years old and still going strong. I only ever bought a second one because I thought it was broken. Turned out it (and the new one) acts up when my mobile phone is too close by. But only in that particular kitchen. I moved since and never had that problem again unless I put the phone right next to it. In the problematic home my scale would pick up my phone somehow even 1m away. That was super crazy! No idea. So I do have a very old Danish design scale and a newer cheerful lovely green one :D
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,561 Member
    On that note, I do have a tiny scale measuring mg. It's more of a toy though; a tongue in cheek gift from friends. :D