Not losing....



  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member

    My BMR is just under 1400 calories per day. If I were on 1600+ calories per day I would put on weight.

    BMR is the amount of calories your body needs to function, if you were just lying in bed all day. So, you need more calories to walk, move around, exercise, etc.

    How much more is the question, as I said earlier 1600 calories per day for me would mean I gained weight. That is not a guess either it has happened in the not-too-distant past.
  • scrappy11
    scrappy11 Posts: 163
    You have to remember that we all have our activity level set at different things. I am set at slightly active because I work in health care and I am on my feet all the time. I think that is maybe something that some of you are forgetting. I eat 1630 cals a day, am a runner and burn about 300 a day or more running and I am on my feet most of the day at work. So, I need to eat 1630 cals per day plus my calories burned in order to keep my metabolism going at a steady rate. Hope this helps a little.
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    It's not the quantity of calories that is important, but the quality of them. If every bite of food is highly nutritious and as close to natural as possible, then it does not really matter if you are getting 1,200 or 1,600. In fact. If they are all "great" calories, you could easily be overfeeding yourself.

    It takes time for weight loss to happen (just as it takes us time to gain weight). Give yourself another week or two of your current calories, but focus on where they are coming from, not so much on how many there are.

    Good luck figuring it out.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    It does take a while for your body to adjust, and the last 10 lbs are the hardest (subconciously you know you're not too far from your goal so you figure it's OK to have a little of this or that, add some of this, slack or skip workouts, etc. You really don't realize you're doing that, but it's human nature and we are, after all, human!).
    The first 3 months I didn't loose anything but I kept my food diary up, logged EVERYTHING!! and kept working out 5-6 days a week for at least 45-50 mins p/day every AM. Although the scale wasn't changing, I was looking better in my clothes, and suddenly I was wearing some tops that I hadn't in over 1 year! I decided that something is working, even if the scale doesn't show it and decided not to go by the scale, but how I felt and looked and the fact that I could wear things I hadn't in a long time.
    I am now about 10lbs away from my goal, but I fit into clothes I was wearing when I was 10-15lbs thinner, and they look better on me now than they did before! I have shape to my butt now, and am proud of it :tongue:
    I found when I stopped obsessing over the numbers, I noticed my body responded in kind: I also added ankle weights to my routine and in the last 2 months have seen the biggest difference. Sometimes you just need to change up some stuff, you don't want your body used to a routine since it has a tendency to go slack. Mix up a couple little things, add something new in or take something out and your body will realize it's not allowed to slack and it needs to keep on its toes to keep up with you.
    Good luck on the last few lbs, you CAN do this! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    OP never mentioned what kind of exercise she's doing. I suggest anytime someone is "doing everything" right that they intensify their work out because that's part of what really helped me!! Try intervals if you're running, doing elliptical, walking, whatever. Alternate one minute of high intensity with lower intensity and go back and forth. Intervals are said to be great for burning fat and I can attest to that! :happy:

    Also, opening your diary for us to view would be really helpful. Even if you're watching your calories and sodium, you could be doing something wrong. Not enough fiber or protein, not enough water, do you drink alcohol? That can ALSO slow things down. The body burns alcohol first before fat so any alcohol in your body is going to slow your weight loss down.

    Someone else mentioned this already and I'll echo it. With such little weight to lose, it could take you months because you're already at a healthy weight. If you're at 1/2 lb a week... be patient.

    Oh: strength training. If you're not lifting weights, START. 3 days a week... pump that iron. Building muscle burns fat and you won't bulk up as long as you're on a calorie deficit diet, which you are by being here.
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    My BMR is just under 1400 calories per day. If I were on 1600+ calories per day I would put on weight.

    So not true! BMR is for coma patients lying in bed. Walking, cooking, sitting, even talking on the phone will burn more cals than that. I would maybe suggest shooting the difference between the 1200 and the 1630. Maybe cut back a smidge to 1500 cals per day. Nice, safe number to start with and see how you feel with that.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    My BMR is just under 1400 calories per day. If I were on 1600+ calories per day I would put on weight.

    So not true! BMR is for coma patients lying in bed. Walking, cooking, sitting, even talking on the phone will burn more cals than that. I would maybe suggest shooting the difference between the 1200 and the 1630. Maybe cut back a smidge to 1500 cals per day. Nice, safe number to start with and see how you feel with that.

    It is true because it has happened and I do NOT in anyway use up over 1600 calories per day sitting on my butt doing sod all. I don't give a rat's *kitten* what people say, some people consume far too many calories and to tell them "oh eat more" beggers belief. If they cannot lose on 1600 per day, how the hell will UPPING it work???

    To the OP, down your calories, do your exercise and see what happens. You can't lose anything except the lbs :flowerforyou:
    WISHFULTHINKING Posts: 167 Member
    when i first started MFP it took me a month or so before i actually started losing the weight