Help me

I am struggling to have one day where I don’t eat my body weight in junk food. I was fine until I went on holiday and now I can’t get back on track. I have spent most of this week beating myself up, full of self loathing and I’m annoyed at myself for feeling the way I do and for having no self control!!


  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,639 Member
    edited August 2023
    Sorry to hear you’re going through this. Are you reaching for it because it’s tasty, or because you are hungry/ have flagging energy? You may need to up your protein and make sure you’re getting enough proper nutrients. Also, if you’re sleeping poorly, your body is going to reach for quick energy. Enter junk food! Are you eating emotionally? If you can pinpoint how your emotions and your body feels before you reach for the snacks, it will help tremendously.

    If it were me, I’d remove all the junk food from my house and office, and replace with with and easy healthy snacks that are grab and go, like carrots and hummus or a pre-portioned serving of nuts. No way am I getting in my car to drive to get some chips or cookies if the craving strikes while I’m in my nightgown!

    Give yourself some grace, everyone struggles with their goals at some point. But don’t lament the past, each moment is an opportunity to make choices you are proud of.
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,064 Member
    i'm sorry to hear you're beating yourself up. it makes you feel worse, which suck, and - at least, in my experience - leads to eating to ease the pain, so from a purely practical standpoint, it's counter productive.

    i am a snacker with not much self control, so what i did was found low to very low calorie snacks that i really like - and that takes some experimentation - and i keep them around at all times. i pour diet sodas and water enhancers into homemade popsicles (some i really like! and no calories at all), i made sure to have strawberry and orange juicy gels (5 calories each) in the fridge, i got lots of cherry flavor and vanilla dannon light & fit yogurt around (protein and only 80 calories per cup), i get 1-ounce bags of planters peanuts, which i like - at 170 calories, the single servings mean i can't go crazy and mindlessly eat an entire can. light mozarella cheese sticks and laughing cow light wedges have only 35 and 30 calories per, my list goes on and on by now.

    for me, it's so helpful to have so many yummy foods that won't put me over my daily calories!
  • ambermichk
    ambermichk Posts: 108 Member
    I am with you here.... the food I eat it ehh but the junk food snacking. Its like i do not realize how much I eat of the junk... I just shove it in. Partial boredom, partial i do not know.

    now instead of beating yourself up jump right in where you are, you are not behind. start fresh this hour and go forward. I have the bad habit of waiting for the perfect time to start things, making sure it is all organized and plans ready instead of just going a head and jumping back on the wagon....imagine how much better we can be in a week !!!
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,008 Member
    If it was easy all of North America would not be obese.

    It's a challenge but take baby steps and you will get there.

    Mind over matter!
  • VRTC1960
    VRTC1960 Posts: 20 Member
    YOU CAN DO THIS. It is hard, believe me I know - but you need to put yesterday behind you, it can't be changed. Beating yourself up, as others have said, can make emotional eaters reach for "comfort food" (it's called that for a reason!).

    It's noontime here so I can't say it's a new day - but take it one eating event at a time and do that one proud. If feedback from others helps you, post in here when you make a good meal or snack choice and let us remind you how awesome that is!

    Remember, you are awesome and your weight or body shape do not define you. Love yourself and do as much for you as you do for the people around you!
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,489 Member
    Plan a menu with generous helpings of real food that you actually find appealing. After you’ve gotten away from junk the rest is just portion control. But really spend time finding stuff that you like. Are there modifications you can make to junky dishes to make them plan friendly?

    I found I could tolerate being hungry for awhile if I knew I was getting something I liked later. I could leave work and get past the office vending machines because I was having a plan friendly smoothie when I got home. I looked forward to that smoothie. Don’t think getting home to carrot sticks would have worked as well.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited August 2023
    Don't self-loath! Be firm but kind with yourself.

    For me, every time I stress over something or feel my 'feelings get hurt', even in the slightest way, I get an urge to reach for food that I know will only 'do me dirt'. It's been a long struggle to squelch and ignore those craving sensations; and a lot of journaling/logging/reflecting over an extended time to figure it out ... and to accept that if I can just stay away from it for a short time that the craving will go away. Thus making it easier the next time.
    However, even with that new-found wisdom about myself and my cravings, I have to admit that I sometimes fall away ... and that the only way for myself is to never bring those items into my living space because if they are 'here' they will be so very, very, very hard to resist. Thus, my solution is to enjoy a little bit or refrain from any at all ... but never in my living space. At least, not yet. Maybe someday?