BBQ Pizza to die for

1 roll pillsburry clasic (or thin if you like thin) pizza dough
1-2 medium size cooked chicken breasts choped into small bite sizes
1 cup (a lil less than) sweet low cal bbq sauce(we have a local bbq sauce that has lil to no sugar and few cal.
8 oz mozzerella(big shred)
3 oz jack cheese(small shred)
1/2 cup red onion
1/2 medium diced tomato(optional)
1 tsp finly chopped celantro

roll out dough onto medium cookie sheet covered in foil sprayed with cookspray to almost edges
spread less than half the sauce on the dough place 3/4 of the cheese(wemix the 2 cheeses before we do this) all over the bbq sauce. mix chicken in remaining sauce place them all over pizza put onions all over and what ever else you want on it then sprinkle rest of cheese on top of that and follow directions on dough pack(17 min at 425)

makes 6 5x5 peices at 392 calories each
if you can find cheese with less fat then use it, we atre having a hard time thoug
NEVER get imitation mozzerella though, not only is it yuk it wont melt.. learned that 5 years ago lol.
