Trying to lose weight AGAIN

Fall4Daph Posts: 4 Member
edited August 2023 in Motivation and Support
I'm 34 years old, currently 219 lbs goal of 175 lbs. I'm new to the community and discussion options. Just looking for people who are also trying to lose and motivating one another.


  • coderdan82
    coderdan82 Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome. Don't beat yourself up over having to try yet again, you got this!
  • AmberlyMarlene
    AmberlyMarlene Posts: 120 Member
    edited August 2023
    I'll send you a friend request. I'm turning 29 in a couple of weeks, am currently 279, and have a goal weight of 160 (It's a long ways away I know lol). I try to add people to support who will also be supportive to try to keep my head in the game. Wishing you the best regardless!

    I have been a yo-yoer myself, always gaining more on the rebound. The most I've ever lost was 67 lbs, but I'm starting over again up over 100 lbs. I know the feeling how restarting. Hoping this will be the last time and to truly develop long term habits by taking my time on this go around.
  • Jesi1011
    Jesi1011 Posts: 200 Member
    35 and 206. Hoping to get around 140-150 eventually. I’ve started 100x over the last 5 years since having my daughter and haven’t stuck with it. I now weigh what I did at my highest while pregnant so I’ve gotta do something! Feel free to friend me! We got this!!!
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    I'm 41 getting back on track again. I lost 32lbs last year but gained back 20lbs. Looks like you've got around 45lbs to shed to hit your goal weight. You should be able to do that in 9-12 months if you take it slow.

    For me personally, the only way I've had success with weight loss is to count calories. Whenever I stop doing that, the weight comes back on slowly over time. Everyone is different though, you have to find what works best for you and then stick with it for at least a year. Setting new goals after that is good to help keep you motivated and to avoid becoming complacent.
  • gargigandhi3987
    gargigandhi3987 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m 23, 215 lbs currently. I am so exhausted with trying again and again to lose weight and every time it increases it’s even more than what it was before. I am just lost. Downloaded this app today, in dire need of motivation🥲
  • JenLosesIt
    JenLosesIt Posts: 50 Member
    I am 46, currently have 100 to lose as well.
    I lost it all a few years ago with MFP, intermittent fasting and sheer will. But a hysterectomy, covid twice and plain old binge eating did me in!
    Anyone here want to add me please do as I’m starting over. I’ll send you a request now too!
  • lf80123
    lf80123 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I’m 34 too and looking to lose 15lbs. I’ve gained a lot over the last two years after having a baby, covid and my parents passing away. I’m trying to make positive changes and look to the future. I could really use some support and motivation too x you can do this!!
  • littlemisssunshine0620
    You can do this. After being on medical leave this past November 2022 - January 2023 I gained 15 pounds of the weight I lost. I’m trying now to lose that weight first then the other weight next. I’ll message @dgeorge980
  • eferry10
    eferry10 Posts: 3 Member
    You’ve got this!! If you’re looking for more friends/accountability partners please add me! I’m 195, looking to lose 20lbs in a sustainable ways because this is a marathon not a sprint!
  • SleepingBeauty12345
    I'm 46 and hack at it again too!
  • skyeen
    skyeen Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 34, 190 and looking to lose about 30lbs. Please add me as a friend, if you are interested! I could really use some motivation and accountability. Been around this block one too many times. Ugh.