Needs some motiviation

I am a 32 year old full time mom, student, and medical assistant. I need to really loose some weight and get in shape. I do not want my child to grow up in an unhealthy home. Any tips or exersise tips are greatly appreciated. I am currently going to do an 1250 calorie diet per this websites suggestions and I do zumba 2x's a week and I am going to start to walk 30 mins a day minum the other 3-4 days that I do not do Zumba.


  • sammieloft91
    Feel free to add me..i am a full time mom too.
  • isidora10
    isidora10 Posts: 3 Member
    I've been keeping a similar plan (I consume more calories) and it has worked just fine for me! You will see the difference in your body and clothes very soon. Keeping yourself healthy and fit is a great thing to do for your family and an awesome example to give to children. I motivate myself with a new (and smaller size) dress every month :) and a dessert I will make (again once per month) and share with my loved ones. All the best!