It’s Been A While!

I’m Back! Again with this life altering need to get healthy. There are so many self help apps out there now… but it comes down to me … I have to track & track & track to make sure I stay on a healthy path. I have been going through a lot. Back surgery again put me on pain meds that wrecked havoc with everything. The one thing it didn’t cause this time was weight gain! +++ But withdrawals were the worst I’ve ever had ! I don’t consider myself an addict (of course no addict does). I am very conscious of what those drugs do to your mind & body so I stay away from them. But there are times when you don’t get the choice. Only two weeks of pain meds after surgery & it was horrible! Anyway, I’m ready to get back to a healthier me! Yesterday was a very bad day… my blood Surgars blew over 250! So I decided I needed to track again. FitBit back on & Im ready …. I think. Guess sill write more later. Not that anyone will ever read these …😢😢
