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Add Zepp life app to the list

Zepp life app is connected to xiaomi scale and band so it would be great to connect my fitness pal to that combo to combine all stats.
4 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    Thanks so much for this integration suggestion! I will pass along to the appropriate team to consider for a future update.

    I also recommend reaching out to the Zepp Life app as well to express your interest.
  • OtherRob
    OtherRob Posts: 1 Member
    I'd just add that the Amazfit fitness trackers are really good in terms of capability and have incredible battery life, but their lack of compatibility with MyFitnessPal really hampers their usefulness. The workaround of funneling data from Zepp OS to Google Fit then into MFP is really clunky and it'd be much better if it just natively connected.
  • phanexx
    phanexx Posts: 1 Member
    I am looking ahead, too. I tried to do a workaround, syncing both Zepp and MFP with Google Fit. But unfortunately MFP don't sync weight data FROM GoogleFit, only TO.