Microwaving Popcorn in Water: I Like It

AnnPT77 Posts: 34,783 Member
I don't know if this belongs in Recipes or Food and Nutrition, but . . .

I did an experiment of microwaving popcorn in a small amount of water, in a covered tempered-glass dish. This was plain kernels bought in bulk. I stirred some popcorn salt (fine ground) into the water, and used just enough water to cover the kernels in the bottom of the dish, I microwaved on full power until the popping mostly stopped.

It worked pretty well. The popcorn was dry when done (with some dried salt on the dish), and tasted lightly salty.

There were surprisingly few unpopped kernels: Maybe 6-8 in in an ounce (28g) of kernels? This is especially notable because the kernels were pretty old. (I don't eat much popcorn.)

Maybe it's just me, but I'd never seen popcorn popped in water before. Some video did it in an air fryer (not very successfully), so I decided to try it in the microwave.

One of the problems with no-oil popcorn is getting salt to stick. This helped. I'll probably try it with some other seasonings mixed in the water, see how it works.

I know, most people want butter on their popcorn. I don't, except for salt-sticking. I prefer popcorn kernels (cheap) to pre-packaged (more expensive, often kind of yucky flavor, for my tastes, which are admittedly eccentric).


  • 19Happylife64
    19Happylife64 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm excited to try this! Thanks for the tip 🍿
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 8,024 Member
    I pop popcorn on a dry non stick small casserole, the new generation of stone coated. I am sure the new ceramic coated would work too dry too. I sprinkle with a small amount fish sauce or a combination of soy and tobasco. You need so little of the wet ingredients, that it doesn't make the popcorn soggy.

    I will never do popcorn in an air fryer again. The popped kernels blow around, get stuck in the heating elements on top and burn. Cleaning the air fryer burners afterwards is not a fun task.