Looking for serious female runner friends



  • RunConquerCelebrate
    Hello maybe by now you may have added a lot of friends but thought one more will not hurt. I have been running since I was in high school. I trained with Road Runners in California to run my first Marathon many years ago. During that training I pushed my self too hard and injure my knees. I was not able to run for years. Last year I started training again after having two kids. I love running and I love being back into the sport. I decided that this time around I was going to take things slow and increase my race distance really slow, I have completed 2 5ks, 2 10ks. Starting in October I will run another 2 10ks 1 15k and in March of next year I will run my first half marathon. I am really excited and I have already signed up for that race, this way there is no turning back. My main goal is to finish what I started many years ago which was to run a full marathon. I will get there and cannot wait for it.

    Feel free to add me, or anyone that wants to have another running buddy :)
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I'm currently training for a marathon in December and another in April.

  • tammymusic1
    tammymusic1 Posts: 243 Member
    YOu can add me. Haven't ran a half yet but would love too. started running 11months ago with C25K have done 2 5ks and 1 10k run 3 times a week and use NIKE app if you want to add me there too I only have 2 friends there my cousins and they are not serious would love to have a little competion on there. slowly trying to up my mileage have only gotten up to 6.38 so far really would love to try a half
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I run. Don't really consider myself serious though. Just finishing up a summer of triathlons. Have a half marathon coming up in Oct, then two in Nov, and one in Dec. I have no aspirations to do a full - too many other things I like to do (like soccer and lifting) and I'm already too injury prone as it is. I do like to talk about running (and triathlons) and the training and nutrition that goes along with it.
    Feel free to add if you like.
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    I'm building up to running 10K under 60 minutes using the 10k runner app. I keep a small friends list in order to interact with everyone but I expect you to support me as well.

    I plan on progressing to a half marathon in the new year but I have a little work to do first.
  • evviamarshall
    evviamarshall Posts: 80 Member
    I run, feel free to add me if you'd like to. :-)
  • machchic
    machchic Posts: 229 Member
    Feel free to add me, I just completed my first 9 mile run this weekend, 1:28 (under my goal of 90 min), now I am thinking of doing a Half Marathon Oct 13, but I have to get rid of the soreness from this last race. I try and run/walk everyday, I like to eat so I have to workout. I eat healthy and need to also lose my last 10 pounds. I have a nice treadmill and I will keep running throughout the winter too!

    Michelle (OHIO)
  • MommyisFit
    MommyisFit Posts: 139 Member
    I am a new runner, but taking it very seriously! I have been running for a little over a month. I completed a 4k on labor day with a time of 23:55 (about 9 1/2 min mile pace) and I am currently doing Hal Higdon's Intermediate 5k program to increase my speed for a 5k I signed up for in October. I ran 5 miles for the first time today and did so in 50 mins. I am just looking at shorter distances for now and trying to get much faster.

    Anyone is welcome to add me. :)
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    I just started running in May, preparing for my first 5 k. Now, I'm preparing for my first 10k in May. Add me if you want! :)
  • LisaR517
    Hi! *wave*
    I'm running in my 2nd 1/2 marathon in 3 weeks, my 3rd in 6 weeks. :) I love running - as a SAHM w/ 4 kiddos, it's my ME time. Add me if ya like! :)