Round 2...

Was doing so well, lost almost 100lbs and then i fell off so hard. Couldn't handle much of anything life was throwing at me and... *sigh*... I gave up. I hate saying that... it hurts!

Here is my second and last attempt. There will be no giving up anymore.


  • Never, never give up on yourself. As long as you have breath, you have another chance, a clean slate so-to-speak. I so get falling off so hard. It sneaks up on you and then you realize what you've done no matter what the reason and you feel so guilty. You pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again because you know what losing almost 100 lbs feels like. Way to go! Hold your head high. You can do it!
  • SmashBob1984
    SmashBob1984 Posts: 8 Member
    I know how you feel - I did really well and completely fell off because of a lot of difficulties, and am also starting again today. Well done saying you are trying again and you won't be trying again (hopefully I've read that in the positive light it's meant to be, because you will succeed this time!).

    Good luck and fingers crossed for you :D