Starting again...

Hi all!

I've been a yoyo dieter all my life, always been the fat one blah blah. I tried WW about three years ago and successfully lost 3 stone and looked amazing. Over the past year and a bit I fell ill (depression/anxiety etc) and am now on the mend but still have good and bad days.

As a result my finances are shot but, are on the up and I've managed to pay back near on 5k in the last six months, by next September I should be debt free.

The next thing I need to sort is the weight. At my lowest I was 5"6 and 11.7 stone which I loved. I'm now at 13.4 having lost a measly 10 pounds since January on WW. So, in a bid to save money and lost weight, I've cancelled WW and going to concentrate on the good old fashioned way of eating less and healthier and exercising more.

I've entered my first lot of food today and found that I have near on 600 calories left (I'm on 1200 a day but also going for a 45 minute walk later) and am struggling to know how to use it. I've eaten a lot of salad and fruit so I only have 4 sugars left but loads of carbs... I have lasagne with salad for dinner. Any ideas?
