Significantly cut out fast food



  • lolapedia88
    lolapedia88 Posts: 178 Member
    Its going to be very hard for me because i work in a restaurant and its so easy to get food there lol. But i am cutting fast food and soda pop completely out. If i last at a month on not drinking soda or eating fast food i think the "urge" to want it will get easier every month or im hoping! lol(:

    I drink diet soda still. I know I should cut it out its just hard!!

    It is hard, but take a look at the nutrition label. Can you even recognize anything? Also, on a personal note, I got kidney stones from drinking too much aspartame... so be careful. See if you can replace it with a flavored herbal tea (Tazo has some great ones!) and sweeten with stevia if necessary. Blueberry tea and stevia tastes just like blueberry pie, and I just got an apple cinnamon one that is delicious too :)

    Careful though--people on blood pressure meds should not consume Stevia!! (source: WebMD)

    I actually have strangely low blood pressure 100/60 usually
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    Yikes is getting kidney stones from aspartame common? Never heard of that! Hope you're better now!

    Aspartame is an evil artificial sweetener. :angry:

    Here's a report from the FDA. From the start of 2013:
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Its going to be very hard for me because i work in a restaurant and its so easy to get food there lol. But i am cutting fast food and soda pop completely out. If i last at a month on not drinking soda or eating fast food i think the "urge" to want it will get easier every month or im hoping! lol(:

    I drink diet soda still. I know I should cut it out its just hard!!

    It is hard, but take a look at the nutrition label. Can you even recognize anything? Also, on a personal note, I got kidney stones from drinking too much aspartame... so be careful. See if you can replace it with a flavored herbal tea (Tazo has some great ones!) and sweeten with stevia if necessary. Blueberry tea and stevia tastes just like blueberry pie, and I just got an apple cinnamon one that is delicious too :)

    Careful though--people on blood pressure meds should not consume Stevia!! (source: WebMD)

    I actually have strangely low blood pressure 100/60 usually

    Actually "strangely low" blood pressure would also be dangerous to consume Stevia. Because it lowers your blood pressure unnaturally low, and if yours is already low...I would stay far away from that stuff.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Yikes is getting kidney stones from aspartame common? Never heard of that! Hope you're better now!

    Aspartame is an evil artificial sweetener. :angry:

    Here's a report from the FDA. From the start of 2013:

    No need to make things up, letter from a quack to the FDA =/= "report from the FDA"
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Here's the WebMD warnings on Stevia:

    Diabetes: Some developing research suggests that some of the chemicals contained in stevia might lower blood sugar levels and could interfere with blood sugar control. However, other research disagrees. If you have diabetes and take stevia or any of the sweeteners it contains, monitor your blood sugar closely and report your findings to your healthcare provider.

    Low blood pressure: There is some evidence, though not conclusive, that some of the chemicals in stevia can lower blood pressure. There is a concern that these chemicals might cause blood pressure to drop too low in people who have low blood pressure. Get your healthcare provider’s advice before taking stevia or the sweeteners it contains, if you have low blood pressure.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    Yikes is getting kidney stones from aspartame common? Never heard of that! Hope you're better now!

    Aspartame is an evil artificial sweetener. :angry:

    Here's a report from the FDA. From the start of 2013:

    No need to make things up, letter from a quack to the FDA =/= "report from the FDA"

    Let me find a better source. Hang on.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I found some more information:

    "The US Food and Drug Administration has received reports of 92 medical health problems resulting from aspartame, ranging from abdominal pain to migraines, dizziness and hives. Aspartame poisoning is often misdiagnosed because its symptoms mock other syndromes. It changes the ratio of amino acids in the blood, lowering or blocking levels of hormones like dopamine and tyrosine that are necessary for bodily function."


    and "Despite the benefits cited in the aspartame website, independent studies have been shown that aspartame is not as safe as it appears to be. In a recent study conducted by researchers from the University Of Miami Miller School Of Medicine and at Columbia University Medical Center, it was discovered that those who drank diet soft drinks on a daily basis were more likely to contract vascular diseases compared to those who took none."

    So that would be 3 more sources, US Food & Drug and U of Miami and Columbia.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Oh my....
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Biggest thing is to plan "what type" of fast food. Hit every website & really compare the numbers. Sometimes things aren't as good as you expected, other times that burger is the best on the menu.

    A 400 calorie salad is great (COBB + chicken = good carbs & protein/veggies), but add that 2oz packet of ranch and now your up to 700 for lunch.

    And drink water - or soda, juice or whatever floats your boat (including diet drinks) - just remember, a Diet Coke won't forgive a Double Whopper w/ a Large Fry.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I found some more information:

    "The US Food and Drug Administration has received reports of 92 medical health problems resulting from aspartame, ranging from abdominal pain to migraines, dizziness and hives. Aspartame poisoning is often misdiagnosed because its symptoms mock other syndromes. It changes the ratio of amino acids in the blood, lowering or blocking levels of hormones like dopamine and tyrosine that are necessary for bodily function."


    and "Despite the benefits cited in the aspartame website, independent studies have been shown that aspartame is not as safe as it appears to be. In a recent study conducted by researchers from the University Of Miami Miller School Of Medicine and at Columbia University Medical Center, it was discovered that those who drank diet soft drinks on a daily basis were more likely to contract vascular diseases compared to those who took none."

    So that would be 3 more sources, US Food & Drug and U of Miami and Columbia.

    Not very good at this eh? You listed nothing from the US Food and Drug, only that they received reports, from who? How did they know the symptoms weren't psychosomatic?

    U of Miami and Columbia? Looks like an epidemiological finding and we know correlation = causation, right?

    Might want to stay away from your organic foods

  • grinchy18
    Great graphic and link, but horrible stats. Thank you for sharing.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I found some more information:

    "The US Food and Drug Administration has received reports of 92 medical health problems resulting from aspartame, ranging from abdominal pain to migraines, dizziness and hives. Aspartame poisoning is often misdiagnosed because its symptoms mock other syndromes. It changes the ratio of amino acids in the blood, lowering or blocking levels of hormones like dopamine and tyrosine that are necessary for bodily function."


    and "Despite the benefits cited in the aspartame website, independent studies have been shown that aspartame is not as safe as it appears to be. In a recent study conducted by researchers from the University Of Miami Miller School Of Medicine and at Columbia University Medical Center, it was discovered that those who drank diet soft drinks on a daily basis were more likely to contract vascular diseases compared to those who took none."

    So that would be 3 more sources, US Food & Drug and U of Miami and Columbia.

    Not very good at this eh? You listed nothing from the US Food and Drug, only that they received reports, from who? How did they know the symptoms weren't psychosomatic?

    U of Miami and Columbia? Looks like an epidemiological finding and we know correlation = causation, right?

    Might want to stay away from your organic foods


    I'm not going to argue with you. It's your personal choice if you want to ingest artificial sweeteners. Plus, the warnings I posted above on Stevia are actually REAL (they are from WebMD).

    In my house we don't eat fake sugar. It's a personal choice. For me personally I have a rule that if it's not safe for pregnant women how is it safe for the rest of us. I also was advised to stay away from artificial sweeteners by my primary care doctor. This was because we figured out it was a headache inducer for me.

    Again, it's a personal choice. If you don't suffer any weird health issues as a result of consuming fake sugar, go for it. All I know is that in my house we avoid them and we've always been a healthy weight.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Great graphic and link, but horrible stats. Thank you for sharing.

    you're welcome.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I found some more information:

    "The US Food and Drug Administration has received reports of 92 medical health problems resulting from aspartame, ranging from abdominal pain to migraines, dizziness and hives. Aspartame poisoning is often misdiagnosed because its symptoms mock other syndromes. It changes the ratio of amino acids in the blood, lowering or blocking levels of hormones like dopamine and tyrosine that are necessary for bodily function."


    and "Despite the benefits cited in the aspartame website, independent studies have been shown that aspartame is not as safe as it appears to be. In a recent study conducted by researchers from the University Of Miami Miller School Of Medicine and at Columbia University Medical Center, it was discovered that those who drank diet soft drinks on a daily basis were more likely to contract vascular diseases compared to those who took none."

    So that would be 3 more sources, US Food & Drug and U of Miami and Columbia.

    Not very good at this eh? You listed nothing from the US Food and Drug, only that they received reports, from who? How did they know the symptoms weren't psychosomatic?

    U of Miami and Columbia? Looks like an epidemiological finding and we know correlation = causation, right?

    Might want to stay away from your organic foods


    I'm not going to argue with you. It's your personal choice if you want to ingest artificial sweeteners. Plus, the warnings I posted above on Stevia are actually REAL (they are from WebMD).

    In my house we don't eat fake sugar. It's a personal choice. For me personally I have a rule that if it's not safe for pregnant women how is it safe for the rest of us. I also was advised to stay away from artificial sweeteners by my primary care doctor. This was because we figured out it was a headache inducer for me.

    Again, it's a personal choice. If you don't suffer any weird health issues as a result of consuming fake sugar, go for it. All I know is that in my house we avoid them and we've always been a healthy weight.

    Right since you have no actual legit sources to back your fearmongering, you bow out. Oh and read your warnings again, they certainly sound conclusive, right?

    And solid post hoc ergo propter hoc argument at the end
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I found some more information:

    "The US Food and Drug Administration has received reports of 92 medical health problems resulting from aspartame, ranging from abdominal pain to migraines, dizziness and hives. Aspartame poisoning is often misdiagnosed because its symptoms mock other syndromes. It changes the ratio of amino acids in the blood, lowering or blocking levels of hormones like dopamine and tyrosine that are necessary for bodily function."


    and "Despite the benefits cited in the aspartame website, independent studies have been shown that aspartame is not as safe as it appears to be. In a recent study conducted by researchers from the University Of Miami Miller School Of Medicine and at Columbia University Medical Center, it was discovered that those who drank diet soft drinks on a daily basis were more likely to contract vascular diseases compared to those who took none."

    So that would be 3 more sources, US Food & Drug and U of Miami and Columbia.

    Not very good at this eh? You listed nothing from the US Food and Drug, only that they received reports, from who? How did they know the symptoms weren't psychosomatic?

    U of Miami and Columbia? Looks like an epidemiological finding and we know correlation = causation, right?

    Might want to stay away from your organic foods


    I'm not going to argue with you. It's your personal choice if you want to ingest artificial sweeteners. Plus, the warnings I posted above on Stevia are actually REAL (they are from WebMD).

    In my house we don't eat fake sugar. It's a personal choice. For me personally I have a rule that if it's not safe for pregnant women how is it safe for the rest of us. I also was advised to stay away from artificial sweeteners by my primary care doctor. This was because we figured out it was a headache inducer for me.

    Again, it's a personal choice. If you don't suffer any weird health issues as a result of consuming fake sugar, go for it. All I know is that in my house we avoid them and we've always been a healthy weight.

    Right since you have no actual legit sources to back your fearmongering, you bow out. Oh and read your warnings again, they certainly sound conclusive, right?

    And solid post hoc ergo propter hoc argument at the end

    Here's the sources: (you're welcome):; Aspartame: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You; Joseph Mercola, DO
    Harvard Law School Legal Document Archive; The History of Aspartame; Ashley Nill
    Health Services at Columbia University; Go Ask Alice--Risks of Aspartame?; 1995
    "International Journal of Obesity"; A Pavlovian Approach to the Problem of Obesity; T.L. Davidson et al.; 27 April 2004
    National Cancer Institute; Aspartame and Cancer; September 12, 2006
    U.S. Food and Drug Administration; FDA Statement on European Aspartame Study; April 20, 2007
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    Right since you have no actual legit sources to back your fearmongering, you bow out. Oh and read your warnings again, they certainly sound conclusive, right?

    And solid post hoc ergo propter hoc argument at the end

    Also, it's against MFP forum rules to call other members names and also exhibit rude behavior towards another forum participant. You're accusing me here of "fearmongering" which I'm not doing at all. I posted a legitimate warning about Stevia (from WebMD) and some articles about aspartame. I also said it's up to you if you want to consume those products (and up to any member's personal decisions).

    The forums are here so we can have conversation about health and fitness related topics. They are not here so that you can call strangers on the Internet names and try to stir up trouble.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Right since you have no actual legit sources to back your fearmongering, you bow out. Oh and read your warnings again, they certainly sound conclusive, right?

    And solid post hoc ergo propter hoc argument at the end

    Also, it's against MFP forum rules to call other members names and also exhibit rude behavior towards another forum participant. You're accusing me here of "fearmongering" which I'm not doing at all. I posted a legitimate warning about Stevia (from WebMD) and some articles about aspartame. I also said it's up to you if you want to consume those products (and up to any member's personal decisions).

    The forums are here so we can have conversation about health and fitness related topics. They are not here so that you can call strangers on the Internet names and try to stir up trouble.

    Also I beleive it is against the rules to flat out lie, so what name did I call you? And where is the actual evidence "Aspartame is an evil artificial sweetener? and where is the report from the FDA from 2013 that you stated?

    And I suppose you don't consider fearmongering stirring things up? Calling something evil and then providing no legitimate evidence to support it, would be fearmongering
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    Right since you have no actual legit sources to back your fearmongering, you bow out. Oh and read your warnings again, they certainly sound conclusive, right?

    And solid post hoc ergo propter hoc argument at the end

    Also, it's against MFP forum rules to call other members names and also exhibit rude behavior towards another forum participant. You're accusing me here of "fearmongering" which I'm not doing at all. I posted a legitimate warning about Stevia (from WebMD) and some articles about aspartame. I also said it's up to you if you want to consume those products (and up to any member's personal decisions).

    The forums are here so we can have conversation about health and fitness related topics. They are not here so that you can call strangers on the Internet names and try to stir up trouble.

    Also I beleive it is against the rules to flat out lie, so what name did I call you? And where is the actual evidence "Aspartame is an evil artificial sweetener? and where is the report from the FDA from 2013 that you stated?

    And I suppose you don't consider fearmongering stirring things up? Calling something evil and then providing no legitimate evidence to support it, would be fearmongering

    You can read the sources I listed above and make up your own mind.

    Sorry I used the wrong emoticon when I said "evil" I really should have used this one: :bigsmile:

    or this one: :drinker:

    My apologies if I offended anyone. Fear mongering was not my intention.

    Anyone that knows me in real life would never call me a "fear monger." I work with college students both in my day job and volunteer work and I also have been volunteering at a local farm for more than 13 years (teaching kid's programs and helping with special events). So like many of us on here I work hard and volunteer to give back to my community. I try to be the best person I can be. I'm pretty much the opposite of a "fear monger."
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Even though we know you can still eat fast food, processed food and all that while losing weight. My wife and i stopped eating out, (couldn't afford it anyways) cut out processed foods and we both have no depression what so ever. Doing a bit more research about the way your mind works and food. Some of the ingredients in food actually affects how we think. Almost like a drug or poison. Personally i am glad we can't afford to eat out. I miss the food, but do not miss the feels linked with eating it.

    This is so true. I knew cooking from scratch almost every day rather than relying on takeout or packaged meals at least a few times a week like I used to would help me start to lose weight and feel better physically, but cutting out the junk has really helped my depression as well. A few weeks ago I ate a lot of junk food while I was visiting my family, and for a few days after I just felt off both physically and emotionally. I don't totally deprive myself, but I try to be careful. Pizza is a slice once every few weeks instead of getting a whole pizza every Friday and eating it for a few days. When I want ice cream, I go get frozen yogurt once in awhile instead. I stopped drinking soda and don't miss it at all. It can be hard at first, but breaking the habit of processed foods has made such a difference for me already.