New to being social

Hello. My name is. Cheryl. I’ve been using this app for a while but never Ben asocial person. Trying to change many things about myself. Here’s a start. I started at 250lbs and im currently 181. I’ve worked hard and had great progress. Now it’s time to step it up with tracking macros and weight training. I’d love to be friends with like minded awesome ppl!!!


  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,241 MFP Staff
    Hi, welcome to the community!!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    Nice work so far: Keep up the goodness!

    A good way to "meet" compatible people and make friends here is to participate in threads, groups, or challenges. Maybe take a look in the challenges part of the Community, see if something looks fun/useful?

    Best wishes for continuing progress!
  • SamuLH
    SamuLH Posts: 24 Member
    Wow! New member here; glad I saw your post for inspiration! Hope you’re super proud of yourself!
  • Karliemyalgia
    Karliemyalgia Posts: 146 Member
    Wonderful progress!! Friend request sent. Cheers!